Another first year accomplishment of the POS in the oval office.

They have to keep this senile Ol' pervert away from access to the people that he was "elected" to serve. It turns out that he's not up to the job of reporting to the American people of his plans...HE HAS NONE!! It could also be because on the few occasions he has tried to talk to the press have been utter disasters. He's been on vaction 25% of the time he has been "playing" leader and the other 75% of the time he's just...OUT TO LUNCH.

As Biden wraps up his first year in the White House, he has held fewer news conferences than any of his five immediate predecessors at the same point in their presidencies, and has participated in fewer media interviews than any of his recent predecessors.


Biden has done just 22 media interviews, fewer than any of his six most recent White House predecessors at the same point in their presidencies.

The 46th president has held just nine formal news conferences — six solo and three jointly with visiting foreign leaders. […]

Former President Donald Trump, who regularly pilloried the media, did 92 interviews in his first year in office, more than two dozen of those with friendly interlocutors at Fox News. But Trump also held lengthy sessions with ABC News, The Associated Press, the New York Times, Reuters and other outlets whose coverage he impugned throughout his presidency.

Biden’s 22 media interviews have included one-on-one sessions with journalists at three of the major television networks, three CNN town halls, an appearance on MSNBC, a trio of regional television interviews via Zoom, as well as conversations with late night host Jimmy Fallon and ESPN’S Sage Steele. He’s given just three print interviews.
VitaMan's Avatar
I you said the stimulus check was also another accomplishment.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
LET'S GO Bumbling Brandon! Originally Posted by VitaMan

VitaMan's Avatar
Can't even stay on his own topic....forgetful...he is right up there with Biden.

I don't give a shit about Biden.

So that thread of your was more of your bullshit??
bambino's Avatar
So that thread of your was more of your bullshit?? Originally Posted by bb1961
VitaMan's Avatar
Look who showed up. Must have finished reading The Gateway Pundit.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Look who showed up. Must have finished reading The Gateway Pundit. Originally Posted by VitaMan

well you're here .. so ..

I handed VM his ass with the FACT that he STARTED a thread about the stimulus...which he denied I don't letup on these phonies...
VitaMan's Avatar
You sound so proud of yourself. I started a thread about stimulus checks. So what ? It doesn't say I received a stimulus check. How much time did you spend hunting and searching ?

You have to do google searches to get a basic grasp of economics and inflation.

Back to the topic of this thread. So what ? You will do anything to bash Biden to try and relieve your BDS. It's strange the hatred you espouse.
VitaMan's Avatar
And here we go again. TWK, bb and bambino.

The 3 posters who ask questions, get their questions answered, and when the answer doesn't fit what they hoped it a lie, throw a hissy fit, and go on TILT.
bambino's Avatar
And here we go again. TWK, bb and bambino.

The 3 posters who ask questions, get their questions answered, and when the answer doesn't fit what they hoped it a lie, throw a hissy fit, and go on TILT. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Just because you try to explain your bullshit with more bullshit doesn’t make it not bullshit. It’s all bullshit.
VM is the master of deflection.
That POS is destroying the country and he's making excuses for him. Everywhere you turn this country is in crisis and VM buries his head in the sand to protect this malcontent.
The tribalism is STRONG with VM and the rest of the crowd that worships him on here.
bambino's Avatar
You are the master of deflection.
That POS is destroying the country and your making excuses for him. Everywhere you turn this country is in crisis and you bury you head in the sand to protect this malcontent.
The tribalism is STRONG with you. Originally Posted by bb1961
He’s not even a masterbater.