Gals: what age hobbyist do you prefer

Dev Null's Avatar
What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Please share as you see fit.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Doesn't work that way around here...good luck!

A provider cannot say what she prefers, could potentially hurt her income. She likes Benjamins no matter what age.
I prefer and I advertise to gentlemen over 45.
I'm not taking any new clients under 45 right now. Babyboomers, you know - we have a high sex drive
bottoms up's Avatar
Lame! You should really quit giving a shit about what others post.
Very unoriginal!
Tequila Rose's Avatar
I threw mine in the hat at 30s. I like any 30+ though. I will see younger guys but it is maturity. In my experience older guys appreciate women in all forms. They understand there are mommy tummies and some sag. They are great to talk to and they typically don't haggle. However I have seen some great young guys in the hobby that acted mature.
Depends on my mood. I'm pretty skilled at looking into all qualities someone has to offer. Sometimes I love the 20 year olds for a wilder time, and sometimes I love the 40 or 50 somethings all the same for their qualities. I would have to say men in their 30s tend to be pretty fun generally, if I had a preference I'd probably go with that. Age is pretty unimportant in general though.
derek303's Avatar
I remember one girl not to long ago (forgot who it was) said no men over 40 I think. Said she would be grossed out fucking someone her Dad's or grandfather's age. I don't know the average age here, but my guess it's 50+.
Currently, 25 is my minimum age requirement and I don't have a maximum. It's a rather broad range but late 40's to late 60's is my preference. I'm at a sweet spot where I'm in my late 20's and I have just enough time to continue reveling in being young (though I've always been an old soul), but I don't have too long of a wait (six years can fly by so swiftly) to experience how things shift when I fall into the 35+ category. With all that said, for many years now, being sexually partnered with someone who is 15-30+ years older than me really revs my engine.
fun2come's Avatar
How old are these guys on the 5,10, 20, 50, 100 dollar bills ?
That's what they prefer... the most

I don't really care about age as long as you are respectful, hygienic and cool. I used to turn away younger than 35, but I've changed that. I've seen some guys in their late 20's lately that I absolutely love! Everyone & age bracket has something to offer whether it be wisdom, personality, awesome sexual experience etc.
mirandalee's Avatar
I have said no to the young customers because I just don't feel comfortable seeing them. I'm talking about the young 19-26 year olds... it's not all about the money because I don't hobby much so I choose who I want to see. I love older guys and thats my choice... just like how you guys can choose who you wanna see so can we..
berkleigh's Avatar
I prefer to see gentleman the ages of 45-60.
A sliver fox.
Nerd Glasses.

I'm lusting after that.

Although I've had some wild unforgettable sessions with guys in their early 30's, but IMHO find their company to not be as rewarding as my older regular clientele.

Definitely do not care to see under 30 but have made a few exceptions based on screening.
I can safely respond now that I am retired, lol, loving this. I have a very good reputation that I retired with. Just because you have the $$$$$$ doesn't guarantee a thing. As matter of fact in one the responses that i used to copy paste to guys inquiring about my sub sessions, I included the fact that any given time before or during the session, if i got a bad vibe the session is over. I have turned down many. For a while, I had hired security to ensure that if I wanted someone gone they were removed from my room. Not a pimp dont get the 2 confused. My security received a salary from me for security purposes. that being said I did not just allow anyone to see me. The beautiful thing about being a sub is that doms are protective of their subs. Not just my doms protected me either. One thing is for sure, Eveparadise is respected.. Mostly because I try hard not to come out with claws and I AM VERY SWEET & RESPECTFUL.. Personally, I prefer over 40 but over 50 are usually the sweetest and most respectful..generations have forgotten how to treat a lady. There are exceptions to the rule but for the most part stands true. my faves know who they were. They know how much they meant to me.

providers do care about more than $$$$$ most of us have families to support. We all have bills to pay. However, Some providers are picky....
Yes! Salt and pepper hair or a full head of gray hair especially is so fucking hot to me.

I prefer to see gentleman the ages of 45-60.
A sliver fox.
Nerd Glasses.

I'm lusting after that..
Originally Posted by berkleigh