Climate change and weather events ... yes, they really are connected!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yep. Can't say climate change made it rain. But was can say it helped make the rain deadly.

It's a fact: climate change made Hurricane Harvey more deadly

What can we say about the role of climate change in the unprecedented disaster that is unfolding in Houston with Hurricane Harvey? There are certain climate change-related factors that we can, with great confidence, say worsened the
Sea level rise attributable to climate change – some of which is due to coastal subsidence caused by human disturbance such as oil drilling – is more than half a foot (15cm) over the past few decades (see here for a decent discussion). That means the storm surge was half a foot higher than it would have been just decades ago, meaning far more flooding and destruction.

In addition to that, sea surface temperatures in the region have risen about 0.5C (close to 1F) over the past few decades from roughly 30C (86F) to 30.5C (87F), which contributed to the very warm sea surface temperatures (30.5-31C, or 87-88F).

There is a simple thermodynamic relationship known as the Clausius-Clapeyron equation that tells us there is a roughly 3% increase in average atmospheric moisture content for each 0.5C of warming. Sea surface temperatures in the area where Harvey intensified were 0.5-1C warmer than current-day average temperatures, which translates to 1-1.5C warmer than “average” temperatures a few decades ago. That means 3-5% more moisture in the atmosphere.

That large amount of moisture creates the potential for much greater rainfalls and greater flooding. The combination of coastal flooding and heavy rainfall is responsible for the devastating flooding that Houston is experiencing.

Not only are the surface waters of the Gulf of Mexico unusually warm right now, but there is a deep layer of warm water that Harvey was able to feed upon when it intensified at near record pace as it neared the coast. Human-caused warming is penetrating down into the ocean. It’s creating deeper layers of warm water in the Gulf and elsewhere.

Sea surface temperatures in the region have risen about 0.5C (close to 1F) over the past few decades

Harvey was almost certainly more intense than it would have been in the absence of human-caused warming, which means stronger winds, more wind damage and a larger storm surge. (As an example of how this works, we have shown that climate change has led to a dramatic increase in storm surge risk in New York City, making devastating events like Hurricane Sandy more likely.)

Finally, the more tenuous but potentially relevant climate factors: part of what has made Harvey such a devastating storm is the way it has stalled near the coast. It continues to pummel Houston and surrounding regions with a seemingly endless deluge, which will likely top out at nearly 4ft (1.22m) of rainfall over a days-long period before it is done.

The stalling is due to very weak prevailing winds, which are failing to steer the storm off to sea, allowing it to spin around and wobble back and forth. This pattern, in turn, is associated with a greatly expanded subtropical high pressure system over much of the US at the moment, with the jet stream pushed well to the north. This pattern of subtropical expansion is predicted in model simulations of human-caused climate change.

More tenuous, but possibly relevant still, is the fact that very persistent, nearly “stationary” summer weather patterns of this sort, where weather anomalies (both high-pressure dry hot regions and low-pressure stormy/rainy regions) stay locked in place for many days at a time, appears to be favoured by human-caused climate change. We recently published a paper in the academic journal Scientific Reports on this phenomenon.

In conclusion, while we cannot say climate change “caused” Hurricane Harvey (that is an ill-posed question), we can say is that it exacerbated several characteristics of the storm in a way that greatly increased the risk of damage and loss of life. Climate change worsened the impact of Hurricane Harvey.

Michael E Mann is distinguished professor of atmospheric science at Pennsylvania State University, director of the Penn State Earth System Science Center and author of three books, including The Hockey Stick and The Climate Wars, Dire Predictions, and The Madhouse Effect.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-17-2017, 06:02 AM
The real issue is, you referring to these as "Events". Thats what trumpers say anyway.
Budman's Avatar
Why is it that when people who don't buy in to man made climate change bullshit point out a weather event that contradicts the lefts belief we are told that there is a difference between weather and climate. However when a weather event happens that can be spun to support the climate change fanatics it's the same thing. I believe the climate changes all the time I just don't believe man is responsible.

Go drink some more koolaid you POS.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-17-2017, 06:57 AM
Why do you think man can not change the climate? You think the earth can take whatever we throw at it? Or is the sky so big you can never fill it up with green house gasses the way they say?

I'm not as into the doom and gloom but I think its something to be considered and properly researched. Not stick our heads in the sand and wait for zombie Jesus to save us.
LexusLover's Avatar
Why do you think man can not change the climate? Originally Posted by Trey
How do you believe "man CAN change the climate"?

"Cloud seeding"?

If NK flops a nuke into California, the "climate" in PART of the U.S. will change .... as the debris cloud begins to cover the Western states, depending upon what time of year they strike so as to take advantage of a "Norther" coming out of Western Canada.

So, if you think it will make a difference, keep an umbrella handy!
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Default Climate change and weather events ... yes, they really are connected!
Yep. Can't say climate change made it rain. But was can say it helped make the rain deadly.

You can't even construct a coherent sentence. But you're an expert on climate? The fact of the matter it's too early to say man made factors had anything to do with these storms.

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Default Climate change and weather events ... yes, they really are connected!
Yep. Can't say climate change made it rain. But was can say it helped make the
LexusLover's Avatar
....but I think its something to be considered and properly researched. Originally Posted by Trey
It has been. That's not the issue.

It's the interpretation of data (facts obtained).

Geologists and anthropologists have been "researching" and gathering data for those years before man was around. A problem is the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE doesn't fit the Liberal-Nazis-Bullshit agenda.

Another problem is "word games"! The "climate" has been changing for millions/billions of years here on Earth. Long before man existed and CLEARLY long before any "industrial revolution," which in Earth time is a flicker of light in the night.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-17-2017, 07:36 AM
How do you believe "man CAN change the climate"?

"Cloud seeding"?

If NK flops a nuke into California, the "climate" in PART of the U.S. will change .... as the debris cloud begins to cover the Western states, depending upon what time of year they strike so as to take advantage of a "Norther" coming out of Western Canada.

So, if you think it will make a difference, keep an umbrella handy! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes I do think we can, I don't know how much if any we have. Pumping chemicals in the air 24 7 can't help the situation. I dont think you can do that forever with no consequences at all. I don't have kids to die in whatever may come so only care a little. If they die they die. You voted for the man that pretty much shot the EPA in the head. If it does prove out you did the same to your kids lol. Trump Jesus!
gfejunkie's Avatar
All they have is computer models. Garbage in. Garbage out.

The Earth is not fragile. We didn't create it. We can't destroy it.

There were hurricanes long before humans came along to record them.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yes I do think we can, I don't know how much if any we have. Originally Posted by Trey
You don't know, because all these whining agenda driven so called "scientists" don't either .... and Al GordYourWallet is in that bunch!

If you peel the onion of all the Liberal-Nazi-Bullshit on weather change and the underlying motivation for attempting to blame MAN .. what will be revealed is the desire to redistribute wealth by assigning detrimental consequences to certain activities the Liberal-Nazi-Bullshitters find "offensive" and "undesireable"!

Here is an example that has multifaceted "motivations" ...

At the time of the Rodney King "event" California had an "environmental" ban on LE using pepper spray, so the officers confronted with Rodney King did not have benefit of the use of pepper spray to "calm him down," because according to the California environmentalists controlling the California legislature "pepper spray" was contaminating the "atmosphere" over California!

Aerosol "Hair spray" was NOT BANNED!

Since we're on a hooker board ... wonder why?

That's the kind of dumbass shit that comes from the empty space between the ears of Liberal-Nazis-Environmentalists! Regurgitated by THEIR MEDIA!
bamscram's Avatar
Must be doing something right it rained here for the first in 15 days.
Been 3 years since it hit 100 degrees.
bambino's Avatar
Must be doing something right it rained here for the first in 15 days.
Been 3 years since it hit 100 degrees. Originally Posted by bamscram
Very scientific.
bamscram's Avatar
Budman's Avatar
I will put a bit more thought into it when the fucking pricks leading this religion (Al gore and his comrades) start leading by example. They are getting rich by telling the peons that the sky is falling and how they should modify their behavior all the while flying all over the world in their private jets and driving around in their SUV's. When they all start fly commercial and driving smart cars we can talk. Based on reports Al Gore's home is a energy hog. Fuck him.
bambino's Avatar
I will put a bit more thought into it when the fucking pricks leading this religion (Al gore and his comrades) start leading by example. They are getting rich by telling the peons that the sky is falling and how they should modify their behavior all the while flying all over the world in their private jets and driving around in their SUV's. When they all start fly commercial and driving smart cars we can talk. Based on reports Al Gore's home is a energy hog. Fuck him. Originally Posted by Budman
Here's some good news. Robert Dinero's $250 million luxury resort in Barbuda was destroyed by Irma. Serves him right.