question for providers to older gentlemen

anaximander's Avatar
Recently had a convo with an ex still connected
to the business. Another mutual friend had an
incident wherein her 55 yo married client
died in the saddle so to speak. It must have
been awkward as hell. It was outcall so
most of the scene was cleaned up by
the hotel. But the police, wife, big fuggin mess.

It occurred to me what if it had been incall?
What contingency plan if any do you girls
have for just such a situation?
Any similar incidents ya'll could relate?
That would be my worst nightmare - even though I wouldn't be around to see the aftermath.

There was a judge in San Antonio that died in a room with a local stripper a few years ago.
RegularFemale205's Avatar
Other than calling 911 and starting CPR (wait....y'all do know CPR right?) what can you do? People have affairs all the time. Don't see how this incident could potentially out you as an escort.
anaximander's Avatar
It was a riot.
I haven't had as much fun teasing someone
in over twenty years. She was a good sport.
Sheer heart attack
Real cardiac
topsgt38801's Avatar
Get dressed, put clothes back on, open door and start CPR. When the police come, say you found the naked pervert laying in the hall!!!

Just kidding! Call 911

Woo. This hits close. Me and an SD candidate were out to dinner when he started choking on his food. He choked for a good while and some guy who had a paramedics necklace came and gave him the Heimlich.. ended up breaking a rib or two but got the food out. I thought about it the whole time, what if he died? What would I say as to why I was with him? And then there is his significant other.

Phew. I feel bad for your friend.
burkalini's Avatar
Woo. This hits close. Me and an SD candidate were out to dinner when he started choking on his food. He choked for a good while and some guy who had a paramedics necklace came and gave him the Heimlich.. ended up breaking a rib or two but got the food out. I thought about it the whole time, what if he died? What would I say as to why I was with him? And then there is his significant other.

Phew. I feel bad for your friend. Originally Posted by TabooTanner

Not to make light of it but you shouldn't pull out a nice tittie when he has a mouth full of food. It's dangerous.
Lol!! He said he could handle it
Woo. This hits close. Me and an SD candidate were out to dinner when he started choking on his food. He choked for a good while and some guy who had a paramedics necklace came and gave him the Heimlich.. ended up breaking a rib or two but got the food out. I thought about it the whole time, what if he died? What would I say as to why I was with him? And then there is his significant other.

Phew. I feel bad for your friend. Originally Posted by TabooTanner
If it ever happens to you just tell the authorities you're his niece. Who would question that.
ElHombre's Avatar
Woo. This hits close. Me and an SD candidate were out to dinner when he started choking on his food. He choked for a good while and some guy who had a paramedics necklace came and gave him the Heimlich.. ended up breaking a rib or two but got the food out. I thought about it the whole time, what if he died? What would I say as to why I was with him? And then there is his significant other.

Phew. I feel bad for your friend. Originally Posted by TabooTanner
May I ask as to what is a "Paramedic Necklace"????
It's like the Star of Life emblem on a necklace.
Usually shows they have some background in emergency medical care.
Mature Companion's Avatar
Good topic.

A wonderful mature gentleman & I had this very this discussion over lunch last week. A topic that goes both ways. In not only what would the lady do and or how would she react to such an ordeal?
BUT what would the guy do? and how would he react if something were to happen to her while they were doing the deed?
As one never knows what medical issues one might have nor what medications they might be taking/for what. Esp. blood thinners.

As with anything in life. You have to deal with each individual incident/person differently. Leaving a scene of someone passing while your intimate is not always best. As you leave DNA behind in some form or fashion. And imho, it's cold heart'd to just leave someone behind if something were to happen.
It's always best for both parties whom might have ANY serious medical issues that entails needing to medication, esp in an emergency.
To make their hobby partner aware, beforehand. As well as let them know how they wish an incident to be handled, *should* anything happen while their intimate BCD.

Guys or gals, If your on blood thinners and your very active sexually. LET your partner KNOW! Esp if your female date is all decked out with jewelery that could cut you.
If your a diabetic. Make sure you let him/her know. If your prone to seizures. Let him/her know.
If your taking multiple medications. And have serious medical issues. Make sure you wear a medical bracelet stating such.
Because IF your date leave you behind after calling 911. The medical team knows how to be able to treat you, esp if your unable to relay anything to them.

So in ending......things happen. It's part of life.....and sometimes they can't be avoided. Yet they can be dealt with properly if proper communication is had by both parties. So make sure you communicate with your date IF you have medical issues.

Recently had a convo with an ex still connected
to the business. Another mutual friend had an
incident wherein her 55 yo married client
died in the saddle so to speak. It must have
been awkward as hell. It was outcall so
most of the scene was cleaned up by
the hotel. But the police, wife, big fuggin mess.

It occurred to me what if it had been incall?
What contingency plan if any do you girls
have for just such a situation?
Any similar incidents ya'll could relate? Originally Posted by anaximander
anaximander's Avatar
It was all very odd.
Evidently the hotel mgr had this happen
before. She used his hotel often- might
have something to do with following
events. Wife and police show up.
Mgr restricts access to girl- only ranking
police officer on site could question her.
Wife was blowing a major fuse and
demanded to see that woman.
Mgr played dumb and stonewalled.
Wife said she would wait until that
woman came out. After awhile it became
clear she was out for blood.
The police didn't want to deal with her.
But she was approaching all single
women leaving the hotel asking
awkward questions and just leaving
no stone unturned.
When the shift ended the Mgr had
my friend switch into a housekeeping
uniform, remove make up and pony tail up.
Wife glared at all of them leaving
but said nothing.

I asked how the hell did the cops
not bust her after the fact.
They did not know. Or chose to
think otherwise.
The Mgr saying it was an affair
probably helped cloud their judgement.

Still if someone dies from illegal drugs
the provider can be charged with murder.
What if someone dies from illegal pussy?

yeah I teased the hell out of her
The last thing I would be thinking or worrying about, if a client dies during a session, is myself. Good Lord, we all take risks, so this would be just another situation that we would have to deal with...hopefully, NEVER, but you never know.

Personally, I've never really thought about this situation. I know I'm very good in emergency situations, so the very first thing I would do is call 911...then, the hotel manager...check his vital signs and perform cpr if necessary...then, call my attorney.

If someone were to actually decease on my watch...I'd have a difficult time getting over it!