This poor S.O.B.

  • JROD
  • 02-26-2010, 06:28 AM

I hope the link works!
This gal has several videos on youjizz. They are all kind of like this. The torture that this poor gentleman must go through in the interest of filmmaking.
Similar to the unfortunate fellow in the wifey videos. We should all be thankful that these guys endure this type of inhumanity, so the rest of us can watch.
Yeah, the poor, poor guy! Makes me get tears in my eyes!
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Kilxen's videos, Heather Brooke's videos, and those at and should be referenced in the next edition of Velvet Jones' "How to Be a Ho." (Old Saturday Night Live skit, from before most of the ladies here were born.)
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Looks good to me...