A Providers Top 3 Items In Their ATF's?

Irish14's Avatar
This question is a spin-off of Livin2Do's thread asking what makes an ATF an ATF for clients... So let's flip this and ask you. What are the top 3 things a gentleman must possess/ do that makes him one of your ATF's??? TIA for your participation!
Room Service's Avatar
Ok I will say it first. TIPS
DallasRain's Avatar
Scratch my back & massage my ass!
Irish14's Avatar
And there we have it! Tips, back scratching and an ass massage! LOL!!!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
1.quirky & charming personality
2.open minded attitude
3.pays attention to details....ie:what my showcase tells about me/by reading my post & reviews/and by making a connection with that knowlege
livn2do's Avatar
Scratch my back & massage my ass! Originally Posted by DallasRain
I'd love to but I'm going to have to catch you on your return visit and hopefully Renee can join us.
DallasRain's Avatar
I'd love to but I'm going to have to catch you on your return visit and hopefully Renee can join us. Originally Posted by livn2do
its a plan baby!
Ok, to be honest I do not have a favorite. The reason is that I truly enjoy meeting new and interesting people are part of being a provider. I enjoy putting a smile on a guy's face and each guys is a unique experience and different in their own way. So that excites me. Along with that and the guys is respectful, is easy to get along with, is a gentleman, and has a sense of humor, that is perfect for me.

An ATF will do a one key thing a "regular" provider doesn't do:
She makes me want to see her again for reasons that have nothing to do with Mr Happy.

So much of it is mental, maybe even chemical, that it is hard to quantify.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
This thread made me think of a provider I was checking out. She's very pretty. Nice figure. Beautiful smile coupled with playful eyes. Her companionship requirements were more than I like but she really intrigued me. So I delved deeper into her site and there were many more photos and they included many scenes of her with a true Adonis that wields a massive member. She kept going on how she loved this etc.
Well I can't give her what she really likes so I closed the door on that possibility.
livn2do's Avatar
Marcus I may need to borrow part of your signature.

"Veni, vidi, vici" and then enjoy a smoke, some Diet.Dr.Pepper, maybe a sandwich, possibly a nap, wait an hour and then Veni again.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Marcus I may need to borrow part of your signature.

"Veni, vidi, vici" and then enjoy a smoke, some Diet.Dr.Pepper, maybe a sandwich, possibly a nap, wait an hour and then Veni again. Originally Posted by livn2do
That's fine sir.