Question about female orgasms

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When a guy has an orgasm, he wants whatever instigated the orgasm to continue through the entire orgasm; i.e., keep stroking/sucking/thrusting through the whole thing until he's finished ejaculating.

Is this the same for women? If a woman has an orgasm does she want the guy (or gal) to keep fingering/licking/thrusting through the whole orgasm? Or do things start to get too sensitive?
livn2do's Avatar
Who cares

I think a lot of it has to do with the woman and it's best to just follow her lead since each one is different which is why we will never figure those fuckers out. If she is screaming at you "Right there, right fucking there, don't you dare fucking stop" its a safe bet that she wants you to keep going. If on the other hand you're going down on her and focused on giving her a clitoral orgasm and after she cums she is scrambling to get the fuck away from you, that's because her shit is sensitive. It depends on the chick and the type of orgasm. I think.
Agreed Livn2do
They usually push my head away when they want me to quit. Sometimes you just sense it.
I want whatever you are doing to give me an orgasm to continue through the 1st, 2nd & 3rd orgasm...till I can't take it anymore!!!