Cancellation Fees - 24 hr notice

So, here's the deal.
A client books an appointment several days ahead.
He cancels less than 24 hrs before the session.
Do you gals charge a cancellation fee?

If he offers to pay a fee .... how much do you charge?

The reality is that you might have (or probably have) passed up others who wanted that particular slot, so you're out the income you were expecting to have.

Also, if it was a 3hr appointment that was booked, the fee should be a percentage of what you would have earned, yes?

This might hit a nerve for some, but an important subject.

Depending on how our calendar looks for the week, if a three hour appointment cancels .... well, your either scrambling to get another client .... or just say bye bye to the income.

It would be nice to have the guys point on this as well.
ntxguy's Avatar
I might be willing to pay a cancellation fee if it goes both ways and we as the customer received a “ghosting” fee from providers that go silent at appointment time.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Cancellation fees are a very slippery slope. The OP says she could have seen another client that wanted that time slot. The hobbyist that the provider cancelled on also could have seen another provider, but made plans to see her and did not contact another provider. Even if the provider sets an appointment, her phone does not stop working so she can easily set a later session with another john. The hobbyist does not continue reaching out to other providers after an appointment is set.

While life happens, the excuses for cancelling (valid or not, truthful or not) are never going to sit well. The only thing you can do is do your regular thing, if they cancel last minute or NCNS, then do not ever book with them again, no matter how many times you are apologized to. Cancellation fees are rarely if ever going to be collected as there is no consequence of not paying one, especially since it does not work both ways and the fact that since you cannot reveal private communications, it can also turn into a he said/she said since no one can back up the stories.
That’s a tuff one Torre. Time is money for all of us. A 3 hour booking loss would suck.
I’m in outside sales and have customers tell me they need me to come out to look at something that was potentially worth my time only to get there and find a $50 part or even get canceled on on the way there or even as I pull up. That being said, you can’t ever count on the money until it’s in your hand.
In my opinion, asking for a cancellation fee should be a case by case basis and treated delicately. If you had to tell someone else you couldn’t see them because of this appointment, then the canceled appointment cost you money. In that case I can see paying a reasonable cancellation fee. If I were the client and it was a provider that I really wanted to see, such as you, then I would offer to reset the date, ask to add one more hour to the 3 hour date, then pay for 5 hours. This would make me feel like I was getting something extra while paying extra for the cancelled call.
And as already mentioned, are you willing to pay someone for their time if you had to cancel on them? I always expect to give if I know I’ll receive. It should always be a two way street.
I hope this comes out well for both of you.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Had a client today who wanted to cancel
he book days ago so it's pre book .
Funny thing he been wanting to see me for years .
So I told him he have to pay cancellation fee of half of time he book . Know what he showed up after all!

I just stared asking for cancellation fees ,

TT you will get all kinds of disagreement about this .
Dr's will charge you if you NS or cancel less then 24hr's before appt ,
So why should we not as well ...
So how does an escort expect to get this so called cancellation fee

Any smart person in the hobby never prepays so do you think one would just send you the money, not , worst case you blacklist them
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
So many way's out there to make a payment .
Oh yes there will be a paper trail
I fine gent's not on a review sites are more app to !
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 08-20-2020, 02:49 PM
I understand that the ladies have set aside a time slot for a hobbyist.
I also understand the RW issues will arise. Its your business and you feel free to run it anyway you see fit. After all time is money. But what about the guy who gets NCNS'd as he is in the parking lot waiting for a response? And before you say it, I know " the guy should've checked her reviews or "the provider should reach out and make it right". Problem is its not a perfect world. I think cancellation fees are up to the individual provider. But I think it is a non enforceable idea.
All they can do is say no.
I've had my own business since '98 and raised my prices concomitant with the economy and never lost one customer.
I also just started billing out on the 15th in anticipation of a recession and literally only had one customer resist.

Maybe the hobby is different....I personally don't take it too personally when I get ghosted by women and chalk it up to money saved.

As someone mentioned above when youre in sales/service sometimes your time just gets wasted.

I still say implement the cancelation fee they can only say no
I might be willing to pay a cancellation fee if it goes both ways and we as the customer received a “ghosting” fee from providers that go silent at appointment time. Originally Posted by ntxguy
Good Point ntxguy. The problem here is, I've never ghosted anyone. I guess it all comes down to the screening and trusting the folks you decide to see.
If you will notice in my original post, I stated that the client "OFFERED TO PAY THE CANCELLATION FEE".
My big question is ... since it was a 3hr appointment, should it be a flat fee .... or a percentage of the expected income? can never count on the money until it’s in your hand.

If I were the client and it was a provider that I really wanted to see, such as you, then I would offer to reset the date, ask to add one more hour to the 3 hour date, then pay for 5 hours. Originally Posted by ERWhyNot
Thanks ER for your insight. He was traveling out of state and said wasn't sure when he would be back. That's why he offered to pay the fee.
I'm sure we will work it out. I told him he was an upstanding gentleman for this gesture. It took the pressure off of me.
P.S. your a client I really want to see (again) ... you know what I'm talking about ;-)
Compensating someone for a last minute cancelation is not unreasonable. In your case, being canceled on at the last minute could indeed cause financial hardship. How much to charge is hard to say. It should be enough to off set some of the lost revenue but not so much to dissuade the client from seeing you again. And that will always be the big issue. If failing to pay the cancellation fee has little to no repercussions beyond not being able to see you in the future, what incentive does the client have to pay it?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-20-2020, 08:14 PM
It's part of doing business and no side should ask for anything, every business has expenses, thefts, unforseen things that come up. Only fools pay cancellation fees in the hobby
mrredcat43's Avatar
Did Gina just compare hookers to doctors??????? They have to go thru YEARS of schooling. Did you have to go thru schooling for escorting? Probably not
Grace Preston's Avatar
I've personally never demanded a cancellation fee. I've got more than a few regular clients who also happen to be a bit on the flaky side due to their work and personal lives-- and when they've had to bail last minute, they've always sent me a little something (a couple even pay full rate-- because they know when I do come to town, I don't see a lot of people). But... I do not ask, demand, nor expect it.
mrredcat43's Avatar
I've personally never demanded a cancellation fee. I've got more than a few regular clients who also happen to be a bit on the flaky side due to their work and personal lives-- and when they've had to bail last minute, they've always sent me a little something (a couple even pay full rate-- because they know when I do come to town, I don't see a lot of people). But... I do not ask, demand, nor expect it. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
All class right here.