Saying Goodbye TO Ark ECCIE BOards

mssassy's Avatar
AFter alot of thought prayer and discussiion with my fiance' I have decided to stop posting on the Arkansas boards.

See my ad

Continue to post on here will be a conflict on interest ( Random /Huck you received a pm as to why)

I will post from time to time in other states when I tour

I will no longer be available to see Ark members or referance check from Ark providers

My ads will continue to run on backpage and p411

I admit I thought about saying something mean and catty to the providers who have been so mean to me and hurtful to me on here in the past few months but as my fiance' put it what goes aroud comes around. He is right

So good luck to everyone
Play safe
shorty's Avatar
Thought we have already retired or is this your final retirement?
All good ends come to a thing.
MrHappy4u's Avatar
As usual, Mr. Chan speaks eloquently. . .
mssassy's Avatar
Im not retiring just off Ark boards. I had already pm Random awhile back with what my fiance' does for a living. His job makes it a huge personal conflict for me to be on the Ark boards with the current climate.
I admit though I am loving this.

ALl those times all of you made fun of me and were so cruel to me
And then for some reason God smiled at me put the perfect man in my life who loves takes care of me and will and can fight all of my battles for me even on here

Now you have to ask yourselves will I be cotinue to be nice or will I turn into a complete b*** mmm ANybody want to guess?

Oh Hey kicker Random cant reveal what he knows due to his position as moderator. Its a conflict if he does mmm

Play safe everyone
Be nice to each other on here
Sydney Pure's Avatar
so are you off backpage?? too??

I'm just wondering are you retiring???
'Turn' into a complete b***?
Aww, shucks. First Livonia, now you? All my favorites...just disappearing.

Maybe I'll get lucky and run into you or Liv at WalMart!

A girl can dream, can't she?
Hogfan69's Avatar
He can and will fight your battles for you on here even though you won't be on here?

Captain Midnight's Avatar
but you are coming back here one more time and you will continue to tour other states, just not Arkansas... is this guy protecting you or helping you hide? this guy protecting you or helping you hide? Originally Posted by Captain Midnight
Are you just making this guy and his 'position' up in a last ditch attempt get more attention, via an eerily ominous tone???

Will Lily make a much anticipated appearance in this thread to bid you her final farewell, with an appropriately catty twist???

These, and other questions, will be answered...on today's episode of "As the Eccie World Turns...
So, hmmmm, let's see....

To avoid a "conflict of interest", someone posts about not posting, tells Random she's dating a cop (and I'm simply making an obvious inference here) though I highly doubt that he cares, and she then decides to inform the rest of us, here on a hooker board, that she's dating a cop--whoops, sorry, marrying a cop (enfianced) who will fight her battles here....on the hooker board....where she will no longer post....because of a conflict of interest....because of her fiance's job.....

Should patrons be afraid I wonder? Do they fall into the category "battles"? This begs a serious debate for another thread--Does seeing a provider who is marrying a cop put you at more risk, or less risk of possibly getting arrested? Interesting theories will abound I'm sure.

Ginger, if I were you I'd be very very careful. You might be arrested for no reason, without any evidence, because maybe you posted about her on a hooker board. Maybe it will be used as evidence in a trial.......

Nonetheless, congratulations are certainly in order. A provider among us will soon marry a cop--and then retire? Who knows. I wish her the utmost best, though I do feel bad for him--if for no other reason than his fiance just outed him on a hooker board for getting engaged to a hooker. Not very romantic in my book.....

Oh wait, now that I've posted, will he come after me?? Will he stalk me on facebook and figure out which restaurant I'm at tomorrow night and then nightstick me on the subway ride home??

Tune in tomorrow for more exciting drama all about posting, er, not posting, and the misuse of legal terms like "conflict of interest". I'm sure there will be more....
OMG! Just go. we don"t need to know when your gone.Silence is GOLDEN
As shucks ginger, have to pull snide remarks and be a slutty ass as always. One thing to send your jabs at you buddy sassy, but you can't get Livonia out of your life. Always a asshole remark, but we expect that from your class of people
Oh noes, me thinks it's a Sassy sock puppet! (o_o)