Just to clear the air

Roxy International's Avatar
As all of you know im Roxy. I've been on the eccie board for about a year now and it seems that i've gotten off on a bad foot. I'm not one who likes to involve myself in drama or put my business out there like this. But it looks like its time for me to clear the air and stick up for myself for whom ever is interest. From what I can see lot of folks have questions about my personal life so im posting this to answer and hopefully end this drama.

Fist, I've been hearing a lot of riff raff about rumors that I have a management or a pimp. The truth is NO i do not have management or a pimp. Im 23 years old im single and I have a personal life outside of the hobby. I choose to have the support of a man who isn't a client. This does not mean that im being pimped. I will be the first to admit that i have made bad decisions and judgements in the past that im sure most are aware of. I got rid of that baggage a long time ago. But its been hard to move forward thanks to a lot of bad mouthing, rumors, and lies. I've never had problems out of all the places ive traveled except here and im looking for a fresh start.

Next, Thanks to Ginger Doll postig a thread to my real life infomantin some time back a lot of members now know my name. For those of you who are concerned about my traffic tickets and court dates here are your answers. I sentenced to 30 days community service for a traffic ticket a couple weeks ago (standard procedures for pulaski county is they book you on the first day to keep record) my name was on the roster but no i did not get in any other trouble and no i am not in jail. I do not have any pending court dates or trouble.

Last, Im not sure why people seem to think that providers working and traveling together means that they are being pimped or managed. Personally I enjoy working and traveling with other providers. It definitely helps with screening and over all security of someone else knowing where you are when your on a call. Its nice to have someone to run around, go to bars, out to eat ect. I also feel like I can relate to other providers more as friends. A lot of girls who are not in the hobby dont understand the way of life or even look down on it. Unfortunately a lot of good friendships end quickly over drama.

Im not looking for business out of this post im more concerned about letting everyone know the truth. Im more than just provider im a regular person. It disgust me that all these grown men and women feed off trying to sabotage certain individuals when they dont even know what they are talking about. No matter what is said on the Arkansas board it will never stop my money flow and my outstanding service. If you have any questions regarding the truth about my personal life just give me a call, txt, PM, or e-mail.

It would be a perfect world if everyone could mind their own business. Unfortunately this world is a bit more complicated even than the real one. The board is like a fat couple in a small bed. Anything that happens affects us all. Since we engage in activities as either hobby or profession that transcend convention and may result in legal entanglements; one person with legal trouble creates anxiety in many more. When one appears in Right to Know for any reason, hope for anonymity is past. The public knows already, so to keep the matter private from clients and other providers always looks suspicious. The best solution is to avoid entanglements with the authorities altogether. There are many who manage to live their whole lives without going to jail even once.
It is unfortunate that so many ladies in our number have in some way had their names associated with unsavory associations. It is not the right of anyone to tell a provider how to earn her daily bread, nor whom she should share it with. There are many hobbyists who will not see a provider who has a gentleman manager. Many more do not care, however all hobbyists try to avoid trouble, and the more people we deal with the more likely we will encounter complications. If a lady associates with unsavory individuals, it will flavor all her efforts and ruin much of her good effort. If a lady wishes to have a fancy gentleman he should be her secret, not common knowledge.
If I may be excused for giving unasked for advice, allow me to say this. If you do not wish your business known, do not tell it. Do not tell your friend who may not be your friend tomorrow. Do not tell your client who will repeat it to another. I will tell you that most rumors heard here were most likely first heard behind closed doors, and before that most of it came from the person you least suspect...yourself.
HMMMMM For the record im in Roxy's corner. Not sure of all the details so if i'm missing something let me know but watch out for the right hook
+ 1! You da man, Mr. Chan. I couldn't have said it any better myself.

Miss Roxy – Congratulations on your newfound maturity! I'm really hoping that means that you will no longer feel the need to threaten me and other providers by emailing and texting things like, "Be careful who you take your references from, because you don't know who my friends are out there."

That sort of behavior is extremely counterproductive. Especially when you consider that the people you're threatening have more friends than you do.

In any event, I've never been one to appreciate silliness and drama. Truce?
Roxy International's Avatar
Thanks Ginger lol but once again this post was not intended for your comment nor do I care lol. I've never threatened I simply confronted you about outing me May have told you how I felt about you but that's all. I highly doubt that you have more friends than me. Im international sweetie your only in Arkansas. I believe you appreciate drama more than anyone on this board it shows in the things that you say. You about the silliest 40 year old provider that I know!

NOTE: If a provider outs another providers personal info without first confronting you about the situation...what makes you as a client think that she wouldn't do the same to you if you?
shorty's Avatar
Lol, Shorty! No more sword fighting from me on this topic...I recognize a lost cause when I see one.

Roxy, love... I guess you would rather argue than find an amicable solution. We may just have to agree to disagree.

For any of you that would like proof of her ridiculous threats, I still have the emails. I don't mind forwarding them. The moderators have already seen them.
Roxy International's Avatar
I've never had a problem with you Ginger I dont agree with outting personal info and a lot of other things that you do. You not a very nice person or maybe your just not nice to me. Idk why u have some sort of animosity against me. Before you outed me we had never spoken nor did you try to ask me what had happened....I definitely recognize a lost cause as well. Idk about you but I dont get off on being mean and trying to make others feel like shit. But to each his own. lOl im glad you have those e-mails on file...maybe you should re read to refresh your memory about how I feel about evil ppl. Like I said i posted the thread to clear the air so please dont bring your drama subliminal shots to it. THANKS but NO THANKS! Im anti evil.
SweetSammie's Avatar
I just wanted to add my two cents which probally isn't even worth that much lol, every provider has her faults and def has her weakness to but nobody should be made to feel bad about there self or explain their self as long as it doesn't jeopardize a clients safety I believe it's nobody's bizz but your own what you have going on in your life, Roxy from what I see your an amazing provider and your reviews speak louder than any post anybody could make!! But you right sweetie there is a whole world out here and a girl as gorgeous as you will succeed in any city doll!!! I'm not saying I'm picking a side here or even know really what's goin on I just felt that Roxy seemed to be getting picked on a lil and I just wanted to send her a lil love from one provider to another!!
Well...hello Sammie. I have no opinion on the topic, but damn your cute. You should stop by more often.
SweetSammie's Avatar
Awww thank you love!!!
Captain Midnight's Avatar
Something tells me my fantasy date with Ginger and Roxy is going to be hard to get rolling. Damn, my tax refund is due any day.
jon5150's Avatar
Something tells me my fantasy date with Ginger and Roxy is going to be hard to get rolling. Damn, my tax refund is due any day. Originally Posted by Captain Midnight
MrHappy4u's Avatar
. . . . I'm international sweetie. You're only in Arkansas. I believe you appreciate drama more than anyone on this board. It shows in the things that you say. You [are] about the silliest 40-year old provider that I know!

NOTE: If a provider outs another providers personal info without first confronting you about the situation. [sentence fragment. elipses not appropriate] What makes you, as a client, think that she wouldn't do the same to you if you? [if you what? repetitive and refers to the indefinite] Originally Posted by roxyangel

Your method of "clearing the air" is about as offensive as I've seen. Usually when one clears the air, they admit or explain circumstances surrounding a misunderstanding and offer an olive branch. [that means peace offering] It appears to me all you have done is continue to stir drama in the Arkansas Forum that we really don't need. Most of us are hear to have a fuckn' good time.

Why don't you just let it rest?

Grammar and sentence structure corrected free of charge. By the way, what makes you international? Did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night and see someone from a foreign country? I suspect most of us here have visited more foreign countries and experienced more of that culture than you ever will. Last time I checked, you were from the country of Central Arkansas and still a bit "wet behind the ears", without the maturity to sincerely "clear the air".

Pass the beer, Shorty.
  • MrGiz
  • 05-03-2012, 06:01 PM
BUT.... all is not lost..... she's still a gorgeous Blonde with eXXXtraordinary Boobs!

As Meatloaf , so eloquently said... "Two Out Of Three, Ain't Bad"