We Deserve Better!


The U.S.A. deserves to be finally led by a woman, especially by one who is smart enough to get through college, law school, and is our current Vice-President.

Taxpayers deserve to have everyone pay their fair share and not have Trump give tax breaks to his billionaire friends and wealthy supporters.

Americans deserve a president who is NOT a convicted felon of fraud and who does NOT keep top secret documents.

Women deserve a president who supports their right to have reproductive freedom.

Veterans deserve a president who is NOT a draft dodger and respects their service, instead of calling them suckers and losers.

Our children deserve a president they can look up to and admire for their leadership and NOT a person who calls people insulting names and is a bully. Trump married an immigrant yet claims immigrants are poisoning our nation’s blood and should be deported.

Couples wanting to start a family deserve to have access to all forms of IVF and birth control. This also includes the right to end a pregnancy when necessary.
Public policy deserves to be based on scientific FACTS and the TRUTH – not on extremist views, conspiracy theories, or outright lies. People who lie about the little things, like Trump claiming he weighs only 215 lbs. also lie about the big things, like claiming he didn’t have sex with a porn star or he doesn’t want to be a dictator.

All of us are descendants of immigrants, who came to this country seeking freedom – including religious freedom. Therefore, we all deserve to “Live and Let Live”. It is fine to promote various religious attributes to have a civilized society, but it is NOT acceptable for the government to promote any one single religion.
America is the “Land of the Free & Home of the Brave” so please be brave and vote for our freedom you deserve, that Kamala Harris will provide. She is young, smart, qualified, prepared and a great example of the American dream. Let’s all help her become President.

bambino's Avatar
We got blue for the last 4yrs. No thanks.
chizzy's Avatar
:ro flmao::roflm ao:

that "lady"is good at two things, no three things

1. lying
2. being as dumb as a roadkill
3. getting on her knees, just ask san fran willy brown

it shows how blind the democrat sheep can be
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 09-17-2024, 06:56 PM
:ro flmao::roflm ao:

that "lady"is good at two things, no three things

1. lying
2. being as dumb as a roadkill
3. getting on her knees, just ask san fran willy brown

it shows how blind the democrat sheep can be Originally Posted by chizzy
That it is, AMEN.

Fucking brain box is there for a reason, fucking use it for cripes sake.

In all honesty, I don't think anyone could find Kumswalla Whorris competent to lead a Girl Scout troop, let alone a country.
Trump was a screw up four years ago...now he is a senile screw up.I'd rather Kamala run the show...don't need 12 years of old farts as POTUS
Trump was a screw up four years ago...now he is a senile screw up.I'd rather Kamala run the show...don't need 12 years of old farts as POTUS Originally Posted by earthlink
Amen. Time to let an adult run the show.
vman4tgirl's Avatar
You forgot to mention her strong views of shutting down the sex work industry.
HDGristle's Avatar
Who signed off on the bill?