Just venting

BigpoppaC's Avatar
Been a long time member of this site and aspd. Never in my hobby life have I ever been asked if i am physically fit or please send a selfie first... I mean am I paying you to fuck, or are u paying me??? Fyi i am 6'4 280 and have ssen the cream of the crop on here that would say how nice and respectable i am. Not a fat ass by any means or a busted low life. But for real??? You doing this to make money or meet the man of ur dreams??? Gtfooh. That is all.
Exithere's Avatar
A selfie??? Hell to the no!!
sully1234's Avatar
Way to stand your ground, we are just dollar signs. That's all that should matter
n81428's Avatar
Maybe her MO on BP? I've noticed a distinct BP smell on here lately.
Dr Grey's Avatar
Def the taint of bp or worse. Get the hell outta there.
You gents are bi-polar...lol
You want chicks to not act like its all about the $. Then your off put whn thy ask for particulars. Btw you sound sexy to me. Js
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Been a long time member of this site and aspd. Never in my hobby life have I ever been asked if i am physically fit or please send a selfie first... I mean am I paying you to fuck, or are u paying me??? Fyi i am 6'4 280 and have ssen the cream of the crop on here that would say how nice and respectable i am. Not a fat ass by any means or a busted low life. But for real??? You doing this to make money or meet the man of ur dreams??? Gtfooh. That is all. Originally Posted by BigpoppaC

Awesome! Have you ever thought it can be for her security? It's simply her rules that she's set. But, it's quite simple to just move on to different lady that does not ask for all that kind of information.

I am thinking to myself if it offends or bothers you that bad. She's asking if your fit & a photo of you.

Maybe, she had some "bad experiences" before in the hobby. And I am not sure (Just thinking) She has every right to pick & choose to who she wants to see in the hobby. Lol, $$$

What kind of site is this? This is an Escort Site...Am I right?

Now, back to ya guys complaning about the little shit...

Samcro84's Avatar
^^^ True Sonya. This is an Escort site but it is run by guys, so their rules. I agree if you do not like the requirements move on and don't cry about it. Did she hurt your feelings. Maybe one of your references did not come back positive.

ck1942's Avatar
Research x three! Always.

My guidance to both ladies and gents has always been:

Ladies should have two rules:

1) ladies, you set the rules, and

2) ladies, you must always make sure the gentz know your rules.

That way, no complaints are necessary.

Having encountered several provider ads with "photo" (or other personal identification) data required, I just pass.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
^^^ True Sonya. This is an Escort site but it is run by guys, so their rules. I agree if you do not like the requirements move on and don't cry about it. Did she hurt your feelings. Maybe one of your references did not come back positive.

Sam Originally Posted by Samcro84

And I understand that it's run by guys. But, we "woman" have our dam rules too. A lot of men are running woman OFF this board...Because on how we are getting treated around here. :/ Things are gonna change around here that's for sure....

So, we make all the RULES... Got it?

So glad it's Sunday..

This one is an interesting one. First and foremost security should be priority #1 for both parties when trying to set up an rendezvous. Just as it is the prerogative of a gent to see a certain type of lady. A lady has that same right to see a gent. Nothing wrong with liking what you like.

Now as a fatasss on this board. I have seen all types of ladies here and appreciate them having seen me. But I also had one lady some time back ask for my stats. And she said she didn't see gentlemen of my dimensions. Lol. Not a problem in my book. I thanked her for my time and moved along. Plenty of ladies out there.

So be it safety or personal preference. It's her business and yes she can make her rules. We all can have fun here. It maybe frustrating. But it's a hobby. Don't take it too serious. Have fun and enjoy the times. Like I always say. I enjoy falling in love 1 hour at a time. Then we part ways.

Overall though. Communication and respect is imperative for everyone here. We are all here for our various reasons. No need to complicate things.
JMcB's Avatar
  • JMcB
  • 02-12-2017, 11:26 AM
For what it is worth here are my thought about 'The Rules'. I agree with Sonya … she has what I want (pussy) … I must agree to her conditions for using it. If I didn't … well I could try with someone else (<==best option as I would agree with CK on this move on if you don't like the rules) or, if I we re dead set on seeing that particular lady I could try to wheedle, cajole, whine, beg, barter, or ultimately try to force the issue. ALL which would lead to her telling every lady on here about her experience which will (for her) be less that satisfying as she will probably feel uncomfortable during the session. The other ladies will have heard of my actions and VERY few who pay attention to the boards would probably allow me future visits.

It is so much easier to just agree … makes them feel more comfortable and that will be reflected in a better experience/visit, or move on.
We ALL deal with rejection and it sucks, especially in this arena because it can feel very personal, but the reality is that it is not.

Just like in any business, a woman can choose who her clients are, regardless of their wallets. I don't screen out based on looks, but certain behaviors will get someone declined, no matter how much money is at stake. The concept that escorts have no control over their bodies because they are getting paid is very misguided, at best, and possibly, misogynistic.

Site ran by men? Not sure what that has to do with us not having control of who we see and who we don't.
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
If you don't like her requirements find someone else

Just like pricing, the ladies pick that, too.

Many options out there, just all stay safe and have fun

Btw I would not send a pic myself but do openly tell my physical description when asked.
Dr Grey's Avatar
If being discreet in a discreet world (where anonymity is very valuable), I seriously doubt anyone smart will send a photo of themselves. So much bad could happen. I like how everyone says a girl can run their business how they want...sure...set rates, ads, and rules bcd...Girls should never do anything they don't want. They set their limits and guys will fall in line or not. All the guys know they wouldn't send pics of themselves as most guys just stated here. Especially for their security.

This is why girls require references is it not? Or p411, ter whitelist, eccie references, etc...Can verify through other ladies how a guy looks on top of description given? Newbies go through an alternate screening (whatever that may be). If the guy checks out and is a proven gentleman, why should there be any bias on how a guy looks?

Guys are usually paying for a reason or another. And perhaps it's because they are socially awkward and don't have good looks to talk to women in public. If ladies are going to start picking books by the cover, I feel really bad for a large group of gentlemen.

I do like Camille Fox point of screening for behavior. More women ought to do that.

I'm not sure anyone is in control. One gender is,as much as the next. Some ladies have more rules, some see anyone, some are selective, some limited menu while others offer back porch pies, wide variety of rates for everyone's budgets, newbie providers, providers who require 3 or more references, etc etc....

Flip side guys choose how much they are willing to spend, which screening procedures they will go through, to see a variety of women or a few, which menu items they are looking for etc. It's why it's a fun hobby. Someone for everyone. I've been blessed to see so many amazing women here. Including some in this thread.

I just don't see pics being apart of the process.

Love this quote...

Physical looks mean nothing to me as a provider I don't give a fuck if you have 6 fingers & missing an ear.. If you come & see me & your clean & respectful then I'm going to give you the same experience as I do any other tard...

This isn't match.com we are not here to give a shit what yall look like that's stupid in my opinion...

Providers think about this shit to much seriously Ive met the nicest men who aren't prince charming but we've had the best time...

Now if you come & see me & have paper pals in your butt hairs or look like peter cotton tail we are going to have issues... But seriously looks isn't important to me as a provider.. Originally Posted by Guest021217