Wishing I was more tech savvy. Lol s

Is there a notes section on this site where we can add in private tabs that no one else has access to?
Maryland's Avatar
Yes ma'am. There is a personal notepad at the top of the page in your User Control Panel. You can access your control panel by clicking on "User CP" under Main Menu in the right hand margin of the Eccie main page.
Or I can show you in person!
ck1942's Avatar
Easy enough once you explore some of the open threads in the main tech forum and in the ladies only areas.

Best if you explore first and, if you don't find an answer ask some of the good folks you will meet hereabouts.

Many opportunities await.

Stay safe out there!
Dr Grey's Avatar
You know, I was always wondering what that notepad could have use for. Now I know just the thing!

Welcome aboard Brooke. Hope you find your experience here enjoyable. Stay safe and have fun.