9cents tax of a dollar whos fault.

Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Somebody explain who the hell voted for a state tax increase. you spend $1.00 they ask for $ 1.09.
BiggestBest's Avatar
That's easy. We all did.

Even if you didn't vote, that helped them get elected.

We'll get a chance to correct the mistake this November.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
to whom do I vote for
BiggestBest's Avatar

The non-partisan answer is anyone NOT already in office.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
which ones are in power now for kansas
BiggestBest's Avatar
which ones are in power now for kansas Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
I see how we got the 9% tax.
which ones are in power now for kansas Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
Governor - Democrat, who signed the bill and pushed for the tax increase;

House and Senate - All Democrats and a few RINOs who supported the tax increase - mostly from Topeka, KCK and Wichita and one or two from JoCo.
You may recall a few months ago...the governor paraded school children around the statehouse grounds, shouting 'we want what's right, not what's left!'.

So, you see...they raised taxes....for the children.

I think the state sales tax is 6.3%...in Topeka, the total sales tax is 8.95%. Much of the local stuff, I voted for - a fund to rebuild bridges, a fund to repair city streets, an economic development fund. Its a good mechanism for a city - it captures revenue from people who don't live in the city, but work and shop here...and thus use the roads, etc.

For a state, I don't think its a good mechanism. We now have one of the highest state sales taxes now, btw.
BiggestBest's Avatar
By the way, the primaries in Kansas are tomorrow, Tuesday, August 3, 2010.

Get informed and get out to vote!
Longermonger's Avatar

The non-partisan answer is anyone NOT already in office. Originally Posted by BiggestBest
"which ones are in power now for kansas"

Kansas is one of the most GOP-leaning states in the country and Republicans currently hold a supermajority in the State Senate.

Republicans 31 (voting 77.5%)
Democrats 9 (voting 22.5%)

Republicans hold a majority in the State House.
Republicans 76 (voting 60.8%)
Democrats 49 (voting 39.2%)

Cheaper, that was one hell of a zinger. I don't even know if you realize it.
Some members would have you believe that taxes are ALL bad and that DEMOCRATS are to blame. And that you should vote the bums (Democrats only) out. If your nose works, you should be able to tell the smell...pure bullshit.

Republicans are the majority in the Kansas House.
Republicans are the supermajority in the Kansas Senate.
Raising taxes increases revenue.
Lowering taxes decreases revenue.
The myth that lowering taxes increases revenue is a LIE. (You get about 32 cents back MAX for every dollar you lose.)
If you don't care if the Kansas State government goes tits up in 5 years and Kansas turns into a real life Road Warrior movie, then feel free to lower taxes as much as you like. In the short run you'll have a few extra bucks to spend. Until Toecutter comes and takes if from you.
dirty dog's Avatar

"which ones are in power now for kansas"

Kansas is one of the most GOP-leaning states in the country and Republicans currently hold a supermajority in the State Senate.

Republicans 31 (voting 77.5%)
Democrats 9 (voting 22.5%)

Republicans hold a majority in the State House.
Republicans 76 (voting 60.8%)
Democrats 49 (voting 39.2%)

Cheaper, that was one hell of a zinger. I don't even know if you realize it.
Some members would have you believe that taxes are ALL bad and that DEMOCRATS are to blame. And that you should vote the bums (Democrats only) out. If your nose works, you should be able to tell the smell...pure bullshit.

Republicans are the majority in the Kansas House.
Republicans are the supermajority in the Kansas Senate.
Raising taxes increases revenue.
Lowering taxes decreases revenue.
The myth that lowering taxes increases revenue is a LIE. (You get about 32 cents back MAX for every dollar you lose.)
If you don't care if the Kansas State government goes tits up in 5 years and Kansas turns into a real life Road Warrior movie, then feel free to lower taxes as much as you like. In the short run you'll have a few extra bucks to spend. Until Toecutter comes and takes if from you. Originally Posted by Longermonger
Wow wasnt it just a little while back when someone was discussing Bush and the statement was made that the congress was Democrat held at the time, that you were placing the blame on Bush for a situation, and now when its the same situtation you fail to blame the Dem governor but place the blame on the congress, its amazing to me your ability to modify facts to fit your agenda, hmmmm can you smell something????
dirty dog's Avatar
"The myth that lowering taxes increases revenue is a LIE. (You get about 32 cents back MAX for every dollar you lose.)
If you don't care if the Kansas State government goes tits up in 5 years and Kansas turns into a real life Road Warrior movie, then feel free to lower taxes as much as you like. In the short run you'll have a few extra bucks to spend."

Can you cite your sources on this please, or did you just "factor it yourself, one knot, plus to knot.... time to eat Jethro".
john_galt's Avatar
Over 60 percent of the Kansas budget is dedicated to education and, most importantly, that includes all federal mandates. Last year (this year by some accounting) Kansas accepted a large chunk of bailout money. Now come time to pay the piper. Kansas was short last fiscal year by just a little over 400 million dollars. The shortfall this year is expected to be about 1.1 billion. You can scream if you like but democrats (and some republicans) have no imagination when it comes to raising funds. They only think of raising taxes. I agree with DD, Longer has been busted. Many economists and some presidents (Reagan and Kennedy) agree that lowering taxes raises revenues in the long run and the pay off begins in just a couple of years.
nsafun05's Avatar

Raising taxes increases revenue.
Lowering taxes decreases revenue.
The myth that lowering taxes increases revenue is a LIE. (You get about 32 cents back MAX for every dollar you lose.) Originally Posted by Longermonger
This statement is so incorrect that you can't possibly believe it to be true. For if this is true, then what would happen if the government raised taxes to 100%? Could you imagine how much money it would collect? I can tell you that in a very short time it would be none.

But how could that be if taxes were 100% and the government collected zero revenue? It's very simple. The less people are allowed to keep of their own money, the less incentive there is to earn more money. If taxes were 100% then what incentive is there to work? I'll even give you a real life example. As a union construction worker I make pretty decent money especially when there is overtime involved. However basic math points out that I lose money by working more than about 45 hours a week because my tax burden increases to the point that most of what I earned working overtime goes to taxes. So I have lost personal time to work extra just to see the money that I EARNED be taken away from me by the government in the form of taxes.

So the extra money that I probably would have used to buy a new tv or motorcycle or car has now gone in to the government. The money that I would have spent on a product or service, that could have been used by a company to hire more help, whose income tax would have helped fund the treasury, was taken from me. Hence, there is no incentive to work more hours.

On the flip side of this, why do you think Walmart is such a large corporation? It is not because their prices are so high that they have all kinds of revenue pouring in. On the contrary, it is because their prices are perceived to be the lowest that people flock to their stores. It is in volume that they make such huge profits.

I know this is difficult for liberals to understand, but taxes are not static, they are dynamic. People go out of their way to avoid taxes and it's not just the rich. Many of my co-workers try to avoid working in Kansas City because of the 1% earnings tax. Most also avoid overtime as it is not worth it. Why do you think the sales tax holiday that Missouri has is such a popular thing with people? People inherently dislike handing over the money that they've earned to the government.
john_galt's Avatar
NSA you used the magic words: dynamic and static. I always try to explain it like this to the uninformed. You're driving down the street and you see a wonderful looking SW. You drive by because your front seat is full of crap and you're not ready. You drive around the corner, clean out your seat, fix yourself up and then circle the block to make the pickup. A liberal will always think the SW is exactly where you saw her last (static). A conservative realizes that she has moved on down the street, stopped by a shop to look in a window,(dynamic) or got picked up by someone more prepared than you were.
I have lived in the area for some time now and I refuse to live in KCMO because of the earnings tax and avoid working in KCMO if at all possible. I buy my gas in MO (but not KCMO) because of the KS surcharge. How much money has KCMO missed out on by passing this onerous tax? It has to be tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars.