Meteor Shower TONIGHT! Aug. 12 after sundown.

I know this probably belongs in the sandbox but I thought more of you would see it if I posted it here. Happy star gazing.
Could you call the power company and have them turn the lights out in the plaza district. Thank you.
Could you call the power company and have them turn the lights out in the plaza district. Thank you. Originally Posted by Luckyl
I believe the best time to see it is supposed to be between 2 and 4 AM...for those who like to go out late
I'm a day late...Damn it lol
That's my life, lately
It's supposed to go on tonight and tomorrow night too.
growler's Avatar
I drove south towards Cleveland Mo. away from the city lights to watch. I've seen the Perseid Shower before, but wasn't anywear near as bright as last night.....also the crescent moon at sun set was outstanding. But then I've got this thing about the moon LOL
It's supposed to go on tonight and tomorrow night too. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
Trying to catch 'em tonight - everything has been overcast last two nights.

Perseids are my good luck charm for the year.

I laid a blanket on the hood of my car and chilled out with some bugspray and a couple of cold ones, about midnight I got sleepy and said screw it. LOL. I only saw a few meteors but it was nice to just lay back and look at the stars.
If I'm out between 2 and 4 any morning, I'd be seeing shooting stars if anything at all.
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  • PSD
  • 08-13-2010, 11:31 AM
Actually, the Perseids "peak" the 12th and 13th, but you can continue to see them for several days afterward (and several days leading up to..). This year the show is supposed to be exceptional based on calculations by astronomers.

I'll be out tonight watching as well!