It's Friday the 13th!..

What's everyone's fav scary movie!?
I'll start...
I'm going to go with (the original) Nightmare on Elm Street.
but I also really like the new version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre...and Jessica Biel is yummy!
The orginal Halloween -
Paranormal Activity - I've seen it almost a year ago and if it's late at I night and I get to thinking about it... I don't sleep well.
Omahan's Avatar
I think I'll go with the original Halloween too. Does Jamie Lee Curtis escort?
growler's Avatar
The Shining......also the Exorcist. By today's standards, it's tame. although when it was first released LOL......that ultimate good you need ultimate evil thing.
stevenrino58's Avatar
I remember watching the 1963 movie called "The Birds" by Alfred Hitchcock as a kid. Still get flashback of that movie everytime I see a huge flock of black brids.
When I was younger, Pet Sematary scared the crap out of me.
I just tried to watch Evil Dead about a year ago and had to turn it off because it freaked me out. LOL.
Any zombie movies where they can run really fast like 28 Days Later. *shudders*
Anon3x's Avatar
I detest horror flicks. Wife loves them. Two that freaked me out, Blair Witch Project and Signs. I think it was because it all built to a head at the end.
sipapi's Avatar
Royals games last 10 years.
dirty dog's Avatar
Amityville horror, I swear to god I saw those red fucking eyes in every window in the house for two weeks. I think I was probably in the 6th grade when it came out.
Bartman1963's Avatar
Alien. You never got a real good look at the alien, it was malevolence incarnate.
"I can't lie to you about your chances. You have my sympathies"
Ash the android
dirty dog's Avatar
Oh yeah the origninal aliens was very good.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Friday the 13th is traditionally a day when the ancients would take the day off to make love in honour of Freya's Day (the Norse Venus) & the 13 moons of the lunar calendar. It was the Romans who 'demonized' this day to instill duty to the state rather than one's heart....

Not my words, taken from:

KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 08-17-2010, 01:45 PM
Don't know why, but I never liked the movie with the guy who killed you in your dreams. Knives for fingers. Can't remember the name, but it always creeped me out.
Don't know why, but I never liked the movie with the guy who killed you in your dreams. Knives for fingers. Can't remember the name, but it always creeped me out. Originally Posted by KCJoe
Nightmare on Elm Street(Freddy)
the original is a classic