Do you think things will be getting worse?

john_galt's Avatar
9.5% unemployment, 17% underemployment and now the pundits are talking about a double dip recession. Even the administration is saying the the recovery (if you believe in the recovery) may have hit a pause. In one year Obama with the complicity of the Congress has spent more money than all of the other administrations in the history of this country put together. Our debt to GDP is estimated over 60% and may well be over 85% in the next two years. At that level the experts say the debt will NEVER be paid off. In spite of some democrats acknowledging that raising taxes is a bad idea (thus showing that they were lying the last few years) but the White House wants to do exactly that. Our military is stretched and now cuts are coming in military spending which will affect readiness.

I would like to know who thinks things are going to getter better from here on out and who thinks things are going to get worse. If worse, how much worse.

My immediate goal is to get a small plot of land far from KCMO but not too far from KCMO and revive my farming skills.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
when you have hell in a handbasket & saltwater in your flask then all you can do is think things will get better. but atlast as always I dont blame my fate on other people hell I have the most fun in life when i was broke thanks all you fine woman that like a guy that is tring to do better then that jerk that has a silver spoon.
Until they stop trying to make things better with bailout after bailout and let the economy work through the issues it's not going to get better. I for one have not written off 2011 as a whole yet. Although I am into the 3rd quarter before i see things starting to pick back up. My biggest issue is the unknown rule - regulation - tax - fee or whatever they send our way. With all the unknown most companies mine included are sitting on our hands and not hiring or expanding. In other recessions there has not been this unknown factor and we could see our way out. The economy is very elastic and can corect itself if the feds would stop trying to fix their own pet industries. By unfairly fixing one industry over another you are picking the winners and losers. When in normal course of business the markket will pick those. And IMHO by picking the winners instead of letting the market pick them you are creating a longer recession and more uncertainty for any company that is left.

So do i see it getting worse no i think it will remain status quo just not get any better for at least 12 months, thats what my economic models are telling me. To me a republican win of one house in the Nov will create gridlock. And at that point we may see some improvement because at least with gridlock they can't add anymore taxes or fees. And some companies may expand since they would be able to see 2 years out.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
the thing nobody is talking is all the customer service jobs sent over seas this is a field that pays good but those rich cock sucker don't want to pay us that in the end we pay them for this service obama can't do nothing if even the smallest jobs are outsourced. cool if a small biz hires you but big biz out sources & puts you out then cries when then are taxed.
dirty dog's Avatar
the thing nobody is talking is all the customer service jobs sent over seas this is a field that pays good but those rich cock sucker don't want to pay us that in the end we pay them for this service obama can't do nothing if even the smallest jobs are outsourced. cool if a small biz hires you but big biz out sources & puts you out then cries when then are taxed. Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
Hey here's a solution, start your own business and keep your customer service department here in the states. I know this is anti obama and liberal democrat thinking, but businesses are in business to make money, they are not in buiness for the purpose of giving you somewhere to work.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
dirty are we in the biz of giving them tax breaks & acting like we tax them to much the rebu thinking is if you are rich then what ever you do is ok I mean my life is great but what about every one else
dirty dog's Avatar
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 08-17-2010, 02:04 PM
[quote=john_galt;506988]In one year Obama with the complicity of the Congress has spent more money than all of the other administrations in the history of this country put together./quote]

I think you exaggerate.