
I was thinking about stuff.

One of the biggest problems we have in this world is packaging. Holy crap you need a razor blade to get into some of the things you buy these days! Looks like 1000 year stuff to me or maybe never deteriorates.

So I am listening on the radio and I hear this commercial about men and the bags under their eyes and maybe dark circles also. All through the commercial they keep mentioning suffering. If you suffer from these bags, when you are ready to end the suffering call blah blah blah and get some medicine.

WTF is wrong is wrong with this? Suffering is when you have no home or food and live in peril in my opinion.
Suffering takes all forms, shape and sizes. Trust me there are a lot of people who would trade the cross they bear for being homeless, broke and without food any day compared to what they are dealing with.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion. If being homeless, broke and without food is your worst form of suffering then that's cool. Just know there are a lot of other people whose worst form of suffering would be much different than those things.

I love the saying..."If you want to really understand someone then walk a mile in their shoes."

And yes, I would agree with you about silly advertisements like the bags under the eyes problem LOL. Bigger question is finding out what they are going through that's causing those bags under their eyes??? It might shock you....

PS Yes the way things are packaged these days is ridiculous. There are 4 boxes, 3 cardboard inserts & 2 plastic wrappings for just 1 damn 1.7 oz bottle of perfume. Most of it can't go in my recycling bucket! Waste of resources!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I love the saying..."If you want to really understand someone then walk a mile in their shoes." Originally Posted by BottomlessFilth
And the best part is, once you've done that, you're a mile away, and you have their shoes!

KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 08-17-2010, 01:59 PM
I was trying to open something the other day, and trying to open it with my bare hands was next to impossible. Finally got some sissors out to cut the plastic, but not before my temper almost had me throwing it on the ground and stomping on it.