Five WHITE....One RED

Balls, that is.

POWERBALL reigns supreme.

No one has won the PB Lottery since early November....and it's steadily moved up week after week since.

Until this week....and then we've seen the jackpot jump like never before: $500 million became $650 then $700 and now.....

.....some lottery analysts are wondering if it might go beyond the suggested $800 million level (that seems to be the $$$ amount at this writing). The B-word is being bantered

Who knows by the time the drawing takes place tomorrow (Sat), right? It's just a huge pile of green now and someone (or a group of "someones") is gonna be really, really happy when they hit.

You've heard the near-impossible odds on winning, I'm sure. Flip a quarter 28 consecutive times and come up with heads each time.

69 total balls.....and you gotta nail that damned RED powerball for good measure. One in 292.2 million they say.....(I read that and then faintly hear Jim Carey's famous line in "Dumb and Dumber"

One Powerball Analyzing Website claimed the most common numbers have been 26, 41, 22, 16, 42 and 35. Okay...good to know, I guess.

However.....ABC News released five altogether different numbers as most frequently drawn (8, 14, 13, 39 and 54.....not sure why they listed only five but there it is.) Huh? What gives?

Well, good luck to anyone in the Eccie Community who decide to contribute to this staggering amount of money. Maybe it'll happen for you. Good luck!
I never play that shit and I'm playing this time for fun. It's kind of exciting.

What if, right? Lol

I let my minions pick the numbers. You gotta start teaching gambling early. Hahaha
playerplano's Avatar
I'm going to bet 5 dollars against nearly a billion who care how low the odds are !

I always read quick picks win more than numbers selected by a person so I'll do some quick picks and hope lighting strikes like a hundred times.
dallasfan's Avatar
Maybe the only time in my life that I like to watch balls.
Yeah i never play
I only play if the jackpost is excessive enough to be front page news. Even then I just buy one ticket.
No winner Saturday night (reported total was around $950 million).

Last word was $275 mil in lottery tickets were purchased on Friday....another $400 mil on Saturday.....incredible.

Next drawing forecast sez we're looking around $1.3 Billion.

That's a crazy pay day, man, if you hit it.....