Medical industry is on its way.....
Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
I'm not in that business but I've figured it out....and what the government is doing.
Short story.....soon we'll be paying cash for crap Healthcare in the strip mall.
We won't be able to afford real tests like imaging and such. Treatment of severe but not-fatal-in-this-24 hours conditions will be available only to the poor paid by the socialist government.....subsidized by the 15K a year i mail off to the exchange.
Credible cash flow in the business will be cut in half and we'll look like a third world country wrt healthcare.
Well....maybe there is hope if they raise my 15k to 30k.......
.........because they can.
Fuckin.......stupid.....govern ment.
When it collapses, government takes it over and the shit service will be direct billed to the government funded by the now 45k extra tax I'll be paying.
cocksuckers think because some of us make a lot of money, they can tax us to death to pay for all the milkers' lives.
".....To each according to his need."