Donna Brazille says The DNC's Treatment Of Bernie Sanders Was Like a Cancer.

Well gee, that's just too bad, Bernie.

Remember back in that debate when you said, "I don't care about no stinkin' emails"?

Well, you reached down to pet the rattlesnake, and she bit you.

You and all of your little "Bernie Babies" got just what you deserved.

Stupid old shit.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Well gee, that's just too bad, Bernie.

Remember back in that debate when you said, "I don't care about no stinkin' emails"?

Well, you reached down to pet the rattlesnake, and she bit you.

You got just what you deserved.

Stupid old shitty dotard. Originally Posted by Jackie S
there fixed that!
bamscram's Avatar
Isn't Bernie an independent? Running as a democrat.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Brazile said she wanted to replace Hillary with after the 9/11 fainting event which confirms that Hillary did faint on that day. She thought about doing a bait and switch like they did earlier in New Jersey. Which makes you think, if they can just swap candidates so easy what is the point of the nominating process in the democrat party.
This really just makes the media look even more stupid. Fawning over Obama and Hillary when they don't care about the party. The plantation "owners" don't give a crap about the those out in the field.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Isn't Bernie an independent? Running as a democrat. Originally Posted by bamscram
only as a technicality... he is a democratic socialist. he says he will run as independent next election cycle.
LexusLover's Avatar
only as a technicality... he is a democratic socialist. he says he will run as independent next election cycle. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
What does a "technicality" have to do with the wholesale corruption of the DNC/Clintons?

But based upon the news "leaks" (more like pissing all over each other ... speaking of taking a "leak") .... the Clintons were collecting foreign money in their "Slut Fund" aka "slush fund" and then supporting the DNC (which was bankrupt) with some of the foreign money they were collecting ....

... the accusation of "foreign collusion" by the Trump Campaign and the "Russians" spending an estimate of $18,000 on ads in states where it might have made a difference .... MIGHT! ... in the outcome .... (I say "MIGHT" because it's estimated the Clinton campaign spent several million in both of the states .. compared to the Russian $18,000!!!!!) .... should be compared ...

... to the $500,000 paid by the Russians to the Clinton for Bill to walk onto a stage and shoot his predator mouth off.

That's just what is known!

HillariousNoMore was such a sorry candidate $18,000 beat her!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-05-2017, 07:17 AM
Bill to walk onto a stage and shoot his predator mouth off.

That's just what is known!

! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Bill Clinton and Donald trump are birds of a feather.
bamscram's Avatar
She was wanting to replace Clinton with Biden . It would have taken a lot more than just her to make this happen.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Bill Clinton and Donald trump are birds of a feather. Originally Posted by WTF
bill clinton's feathers have been plucked. Donald Trump still has his orange feathers!!!! lol!
bambino's Avatar
Isn't Bernie an independent? Running as a democrat. Originally Posted by bamscram
He votes with the Democratic caucus.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What does a "technicality" have to do with the wholesale corruption of the DNC/Clintons? Originally Posted by LexusLover
not much, only that sanders was harmed by the clinton corruption machine.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Nah, Bermie made out.
You know he got paid.
How many houses/homes does he own now.
I am sure he went for cheap since to him taking an excess would be wrong.
Probably bought him for less than a million.

Since we all knew this was going on, her book really doesn't tell us anything new.
It is just refreshing to see another scumbag throwing another scumbag under the bus.
Nah, Bermie made out.
You know he got paid.
How many houses/homes does he own now.
I am sure he went for cheap since to him taking an excess would be wrong.
Probably bought him for less than a million.

Since we all knew this was going on, her book really doesn't tell us anything new.
It is just refreshing to see another scumbag throwing another scumbag under the bus. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Just like all Socialist/Communist/Progressives, ole Bern wants his "Dacha on the Volga".
bamscram's Avatar
Nah, Bermie made out.
You know he got paid.
How many houses/homes does he own now.
I am sure he went for cheap since to him taking an excess would be wrong.
Probably bought him for less than a million.

Since we all knew this was going on, her book really doesn't tell us anything new.
It is just refreshing to see another scumbag throwing another scumbag under the bus. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
LOL, Links?