Here's Why the Democrats' Latest Attack on Virginia's Glenn Youngkin Just Blew Up In Their Faces

  • oeb11
  • 11-13-2021, 08:20 AM

Is this for real? I had to do a double-take because this cannot be serious. The Democrats are trying to pull a ‘blackface’ Northam attack on Virginia Gov-elect Glenn Youngkin. Youngkin, a Republican, handily beat Democrat Terry McAuliffe in this year’s gubernatorial election. Liberals think Youngkin won due to white supremacy because that’s the default reason they have when they lose elections they think they’re entitled to win. So, to further that fake narrative, they’re truly embarrassing themselves. They’ve found a yearbook photo of Glenn Youngkin in a tuxedo. Yeah, that’s the big bombshell. Oh, sorry—it was his senior prom where other students dressed in “Asian garb.”
Lord Jesus, it’s a fire. Grab me a cold pop…because this is a nothing burger. Again, what moron thinks that wearing a tuxedo is worse than wearing blackface for a Michael Jackson dancing competition? Yeah, outgoing Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam did so. Oh, and someone is wearing Ku Klux Klan garb in his medical school yearbook photo. It could be Northam donning that hood, just saying. But everyone cancel Youngkin for wearing a tuxedo (via Blue Virginia):
A recently-obtained copy of Glenn Youngkin’s prep school yearbook (Norfolk Academy, 1985) shows that his senior prom, entitled “An Oriental Occasion,” featured white students offensively dressed in “rice hats,” sandals and geisha robes serving their tuxedoed, all-white peers. Youngkin is pictured right next to these racist stereotypes.
Youngkin has already lashed out at the media for accurately reporting that his minor son tried to vote illegally not once but twice. The sole interview Youngkin granted to the media during the campaign was to Associated Press reporter Sarah Rankin. Four staffers were on the line, and they ended the call as soon as Rankin started to discuss policy. Patrick Wilson at the Times-Dispatch learned from Youngkin’s financial disclosures that he ripped off taxpayers by declaring his Succession-level estate an “agricultural district.” And Laura Vozzella at the Post was able to view some of Youngkin’s purported top-level financial figures solely on the condition that she not photograph them. These are all ace reporters who are being treated as unpeople.
McAuliffe’s and his campaign’s political malpractice has put a mealy-mouthed hack in the national conversation and jeopardized what so many people have worked so hard for. Youngkin is an amateur who has not been vetted.
I’m dying inside. Dying! They think this is a scandal or something. Once again, this is why you lost, Democrats. That’s what’s ironic about this tantrum post. Glenn won. Terry lost. And Democrats also lost the House of Delegates.

What a night.
‘Glenn wore a tuxedo to prom.’
We might need a special counsel for this one, right?
And if we're going to talk about cultural appropriation, look no further than the Democratic Party, the worst offender of all.

Democraticommunists - what would you Be without hypocrisy????

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!