Where do you stand on the issue of piracy?

TechOne's Avatar
The pirates usually get theirs in the end, in the form of trojans, viruses, malware, spyware and worms, embedded in the 'free' music files. The fair use provisions have been relaxed so that those who 'own' the disc or tape or platter, can freely make copies for their own enjoyment on all of their devices that playback audio. The pirates are the 'kids' that have no moral or ethical compass by which to guide their path. They share and receive copies of music they want, without giving due to those who worked hard to produce that music. LimeWire and similar sites, only exist because each person takes and then shares it back to the rest of the world. IF the people would stop sharing their files, then the supply would dwindle and the demand would return to legitimate sources for the files. All pirates should have their assets seized and auctioned, their internet service terminated, their access denied for at least a year, and all forms of public communications monitored for the same period to ensure compliance. Or a sharp stick in the ear would certainly end their need for pirated music! This would save taxpayer funds, too.!
giteneny: we can't be friends.
Would I have sex with that woman, without paying? YES

Could I have sex with that woman, without paying? NO

Do I want that woman to rub my back while wearing a pirate costume? YES

I'd wager that 95% of all musicians make 95% of there income from live performances. For most, I don't think piracy is a real issue, if you REALLY get into the dollars.
Lateralus's Avatar
I fall on the side of pay-for-play. If an artist or company wants to give their music or movies away for free, the avenues exist for them to do that. If an artist or company wants to charge for their product, they should be able to use the market to find a price that is agreed on by the consumer. If the consumer decides that the price is too high, he can choose not to buy it. If the artist can't force you to buy their music or movie, then you shouldn't be able to force them to give it away for free. Theft is theft, no matter how easy it is to get away with. If it's too difficult to imagine fat cats demanding $0.99 for a song, remember that those fat cats employ people who aren't rich, by any means.

PS: I lean libertarian, which survives with one rule: Anyone can do anything they want, as long as all parties agree, and no one is harmed. In this case, the artist and distributor is harmed, since they have no say on how their property is being distributed.
Good points.

Music business used to be, put on concerts to get people to buy the records.

Now, its put out (records/CD/iTunes) to get them into the concert.

This oughta be Sandboxed, though, right?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Lang.... Ur 2 funny (pirate costume)
I busted out laughing when I read that , it made me think of the pirates n the carribean ,, the porn version I have lol
I stand on the side of whatever gets us into the future. To show my support of services such as Netflix instant streaming I have the top Netflix account and cam get a bunch of dvds out at a time. I hardly ever use it but I still keep the top account. I frequent sites such as Hulu and pandora which have digital content that is ad supported but I will still pirate tvshows and movies that are available on those mediums because I like flexibility of my media.
For music, I will not buy a mp3 for the price of a single song on a cd. If there was a service that would give a lossless version then I would consider it. As long as it is an open format and I'm free to put it on whatever medium I want.
Reading some of your reviews have shivvered my timber, I'll tell you what...

Lang.... Ur 2 funny (pirate costume)
I busted out laughing when I read that , it made me think of the pirates n the carribean ,, the porn version I have lol Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Back on topic -

But I think back to buying albums for that 1 hit song on there, but really enjoyed most the deep tracks on the album instead. I think we lost that.
Moved to the sandbox... good discussion.
