Post GFE Recovery


This is a question for both hobbyists and providers.

I tend to prefer the extended or oversight GFE providers. However, I notice that it often takes me a day or two afterward to decompress and let.go of the provider emotionally when I'm done.

So how about you other hobbyists who do the longer GFEs? Do you form a strong short-term bond? If so, how long does it take you to drop her?

And for the providers, I guess is ask the same. Plus, how often do you get wrapped up I'm the BFE aspect?

Nope. It takes me longer than one session to form a such a bond.
burkalini's Avatar
I usually just think to myself that the provider has already forgotten it so thats what I do also. It keeps things on the right level
Chica Chaser's Avatar
If I left an envelope before I left, any emotional attachment is either done at that time or was never there to begin with.
Now if you are referring to a friendship that is different, friendship without any emotional attachments. I am friends with many providers and touch base with most of them often.

Its all about separating your feelings from your emotions.
  • anita
  • 10-07-2010, 12:15 AM
I happen to have stronger connection with some guys. Text or call from time to time just because it makes me and them smile to get flirty texts or conversation. But, if they want to go and taste other flowers there is nothing wrong with that.They know it is temporary anyway.
I wonder if its a function of session duration. I never book for less than 12 hours sine I love the unhurried art of seduction.
  • jwood
  • 10-07-2010, 06:58 AM
How many times can you cum in 12 hours?
The brain is the biggest sex organ. In a 12-18 hour session, I usually have about 4 orgasms. I could get more, but I love the foreplay and the seduction parts just ad much.

There's a session I had over a year ago from which I still haven't recovered. And it was only 60 minutes.

The rule is: there are no rules.
I, too, think it takes longer than a session to feel connected in that way. Most of the ladies I know (myself included) don't book 8 hr+ session with gentlemen we've never seen. There has usually been a session or two before something extended like an overnight is booked, and so the connection is possible. However, you have to remember that most of these feelings are created in the vacuum of the session itself, and so they're less likely to stick.

I still think about the gentleman I saw last week. Good time, nice memory. But I rarely feel like I "miss" someone I've seen, etc.
elghund's Avatar

There's a session I had over a year ago from which I still haven't recovered. And it was only 60 minutes.

The rule is: there are no rules. Originally Posted by Laurentius

Yeah...sometimes a wild session can linger for a long time........

Sweet N Little's Avatar
There are some i feel i could get emotionally attached to and I agree with Anita, there are some i think about alot and cant wait to see again but know better than to let it go farther than that & always keep it on a friendship basis because its the reality of it all.
So many men so little time.
Nina makes a good point. I don't miss them per se. Rather, they linger in my thoughts, and I like to relive they intensity of the meeting.

So the natural followup is how often do you develop an attachment where you actually do miss the Clinton provider?
Humpty Dumpty's Avatar

This is a question for both hobbyists and providers.

I tend to prefer the extended or oversight GFE providers. However, I notice that it often takes me a day or two afterward to decompress and let.go of the provider emotionally when I'm done.

So how about you other hobbyists who do the longer GFEs? Do you form a strong short-term bond? If so, how long does it take you to drop her?

And for the providers, I guess is ask the same. Plus, how often do you get wrapped up I'm the BFE aspect?

SP Originally Posted by seekingpassion
And people think my posts are disturbing.....
Most of the ladies I know (myself included) don't book 8 hr+ session with gentlemen we've never seen. Originally Posted by Nina Rae

And it'll never happen since I rarely see the same lady twice.

And people think my posts are disturbing..... Originally Posted by Humpty Dumpty
And I would agree with them...