Arlington Advice..

SiD's Avatar
  • SiD
  • 11-03-2010, 11:11 PM
My best friend is flying in for a visit, so I made plans to go to the fight at Texas Stadium.. ( The new one, not the old one.. lol ) Its on a Saturday, and will go until maybe 11:30? Considering I don't make it to Arlington too often, I was hoping that someone could point out a decent hotel that ( hoping to get a shuttle to the stadium) is in a cool part of town! that either has a bar within the hotel, or bars in stumbling distance.. ( I mean, walking distance)

cowboyesfan's Avatar
Marriott by the baseball stadium is within walking distance of Cowboy stadium.

If the fighters are staying there, the bar should be interesting.
SiD's Avatar
  • SiD
  • 11-04-2010, 02:37 PM
Cool thanks! I'll check with them. And i'm sure there are cool bars to go to within a taxi ride away. I'm already planning on this being a late night... If anyone knows of a bar that's open past 2 a.m or something to do let me know! ( I'm sure we could ask front desk as well.. no biggie! lol )
cowboyesfan's Avatar
No alcohol sales after 2am. There is a complete lack of cool bars in that area(actually a lack of bars in general). Shurlocks is very close, but not exactly cool.
Peanut's Avatar
you have a couple of gentleman's clubs on the other side of 360. Not sure of the names. I think one stays open past 2am...the ones to ask are in the strip club reviews and info section.
SiD's Avatar
  • SiD
  • 11-05-2010, 03:21 PM
Good call Peanut.. I would have thought though that some cool spots would have opened up by now around the stadium... thanks all.
mansfield's Avatar
I would have thought though that some cool spots would have opened up by now around the stadium
The city is fighting them tooth and nail all the way. It's extremely difficult if not impossible to get a liquor license near that stadium for a new business.