Looking to visit. How safe is Mexico City

How safe is and also what's the best way to find girls 18-20 there? Do many of them do anal?
shinblade's Avatar
I spent a week there last year and walked or used the metro subway to get all over the city. I never experienced a moment of fear, day or night, because there are always people going about their business everywhere. Just get on the Mileroticos website and filter by keywords to find 18-20, and anal offered. There will be plenty of hits. It’s a pretty reliable guide. If a poster says anal is available, it is. If she says that she is 18 or 19, take it with a grain of salt. In my experience, about seventy percent of the girls who say 18-19 are actually twenty something.
The areas the tourists go to a generally safe. Take precautions against petty theft (pick pockets).
  • GBN94
  • 05-10-2024, 12:19 AM
CDMX is a huge city. Its population is almost one million more than NYC.

The odds are that wherever you are staying or working will be filled with tourists or international workers and not areas prone to violent crime. I wouldn't say its any less safe than any of the major cities in the US.

The hobby is legal there so you can pick your choices of websites or agencies. Twitters is very active for this as well. Like anywhere the girls' services will vary. South American and European escorts charge more than domestic ones and generally bring with them the prevailing attitude of where they are from to their SW services.
oilman12's Avatar
Population 1M than NYC?? Lmao. The MX City is 22M bud lol
Can't Get Enough's Avatar
I've spent a lot of time there over the last 10 years, all the sites mentioned previously are good. If you have some lead time I've had the best results with Seeking, its easy to connect and setup a meet. Just don't treat the girls on there like escorts, they respond better if you fain longterm interest in a sb/sd arrangement - of course pay per meet in the beginning.