Liz Cheney calls out the Putin loving wing of the GOP

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  • 03-06-2022, 01:18 PM
bambino's Avatar
Liz who? Is she a Democrat?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-06-2022, 01:51 PM
You on the other hand are from the bone Spur faction

Liz who? Is she a Democrat? Originally Posted by bambino
"Douglas MacGregor, nominated by Trump as ambassador to Germany; appointed by Trump as sr advisor to the Secretary of Defense, says Russian forces have been 'too gentle' and 'I don't see anything heroic' about Zelensky," Cheney wrote. "This is the Putin wing of the GOP."
Chung Tran's Avatar
It's funny how the Bone Spur Republicans will egg on Russia's war games, to get back at Biden and Cheney. Shit 7th graders do on Snapchat.
Precious_b's Avatar
It's funny how the Bone Spur Republicans will egg on Russia's war games, to get back at Biden and Cheney. Shit 7th graders do on Snapchat. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
They are hypocritical.
Seem to think that if donny was in office, he wouldn't be sucking off putin. maybe taking it up the ass in stopping invasion but not eating a dick.

I don't know. They kinda act like a spurned lover, love/hate relationship or something.
It's funny how the Bone Spur Republicans will egg on Russia's war games, to get back at Biden and Cheney. Shit 7th graders do on Snapchat. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
If anybody is egging on the Russian War games it's the Biden Administration for doing business with Russia. Three dollars per gallon of Gasoline will be a distant memory soon.
bambino's Avatar
If anybody is egging on the Russian War games it's the Biden Administration for doing business with Russia. Three dollars per gallon of Gasoline will be a distant memory soon. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Bro, 4.19 in Pgh today. For 87 octane.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

LexusLover, bambino and Salty Originally Posted by WTF

Liz Cheney is the neocon warmongering asshole her daddy always wanted to be.

LexusLover's Avatar
If anybody is egging on the Russian War games it's the Biden Administration for doing business with Russia. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Obaminable/Bitten Administration:

LexusLover's Avatar
Liz Cheney needs to change parties.

Hopefully the folks back home will provide her the opportunity.
I’m with Liz on this, (although not much else).

So this dipshit Colonel just things the Ukrainians should just curl up into the fetal position and succumb to Russian rule. A fuckface, did you ever hear of the word FREEDOM?

Putin wants a Neutral Ukraine? What turnip patch did this ass pie just crawl out of.

Putin want a Neutral Ukraine about as much as Hitler wanted a Neutral Poland.
Bro, 4.19 in Pgh today. For 87 octane. Originally Posted by bambino
I have to use Premium 91-93 Octane. last week it was 4.01, so by summer all grades will be closer to five if not over almost anywhere in the country. I'll tell ya this out of all countrymen President Zelensky who stands about 5'5" and who is a former actor has more guts than all of them including our dummy in the White House and the 80 million losers that voted for him.
bambino's Avatar
I have to use Premium 91-93 Octane. last week it was 4.01, so by summer all grades will be closer to five if not over almost anywhere in the country. I'll tell ya this out of all countrymen President Zelensky who stands about 5'5" and who is a former actor has more guts than all of them including our dummy in the White House and the 80 million losers that voted for him. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I’m not sure what side Zelenski’s on. Looks like he might be a switch hitter.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
without naming names .. okay i will .. CT, Precious, WTF et el how interesting Zelenky is now some "Hero"?

just because Lizzie Cheney and NancyPants think so? the press? what short memories they must have!!

not too long ago Zelenky was under a lot of heat for acting like a totalitarian dictator, not some bastion of Ukrainian democracy. now he's some "Hero" mainly because his nation got invaded by an even bigger totalitarian dictator, Putin. funny how that works.

Ukraine's crackdown on media, assembly violates rights - U.N.

By Stephanie Nebehay

GENEVA, Dec 15 (Reuters) - Ukraine’s government has restricted media and freedoms of expression and peaceful assembly, violating international law, the U.N. human rights office said on Wednesday, adding that pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine imposed similar curbs.

The finding by U.N. Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Nada Al-Nashif was presented in a debate at the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva amid mounting tensions between Ukraine and Russia.

Ukraine accuses Russia of massing around 100,000 troops in preparation for a possible military offensive, which Russia denies.

Ukraine’s closure of television channels and online media outlets were “not in line with international human rights law,” said Al-Nashif.

Activists, journalists and critics have been persecuted for challenging Kyiv government narratives or investigating corruption, and opposition political parties were also under attack, she said in a report documenting incidents since 2019.

“While the Government made some efforts to improve the situation, in most cases, authorities failed to protect members of civil society from attack or to hold perpetrators accountable,” al-Nashif said, adding such impunity fuels further attacks, “contributing to an environment of self-censorship”.

Zelenskiy in February imposed sanctions on several opposition-supporting television and media companies here his government accuses of being financed by Moscow, saying move was necessary to counter "propaganda financed by the aggressor country". The media organisations and TV channels are prohibited from broadcasting and their assets blocked.

The same month Ukraine announced sanctions on pro-Russian lawmaker Viktor Medvedchuk here, an associate of the owner of several of the sanctioned television channels, for what officials said was suspected financing of terrorism. He denies the charges.

Yevheniia Filipenko, Ukraine’s ambassador to the U.N. in Geneva, did not refer directly to the allegations but said that President Volodymyr Zelenskiy had issued a decree on developing civil society over the next five years.

Russian diplomat Yaroslav Eremin said that his country shared concerns over attacks on those he said were openly criticising a new law on the state language, adding: “This trend contributes to maintaining an atmosphere of impunity and plays right into the hands of Ukrainian neo-Nazis”.

Russia annexed Ukraine’s Crimea region in 2014 and has backed separatists who took control of a swath of eastern Ukraine that same year and continue to fight Ukrainian government forces.

Pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine have “severely restricted” fundamental freedoms, al-Nashif said, adding “the expression of pro-Ukrainian views or opinions was particularly targeted.”

Violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law have been documented in Crimea, including the curbing of dissenting political views, she said.

Reporting by Stephanie Nebehay, Editing by William Maclean

How Zelensky’s administration moves to dismantle press freedom in Ukraine

doesn't sound very Democracy-like no matter what NancyPants and Lizzie say.

this of course is exactly what the Democratic party wants to do in the US and why the leftist press is "demanding" any conservative outlet like FOX News be "REMOVED FROM THE AIRWAVES!!!" okay .. "cable airwaves" but close enough.

this what fascism actually looks like and the Democrats are doing it not the "Evil RRW's" like the TDS suffering simplejacks here claim.

Precious_b's Avatar
Liz Cheney is the neocon warmongering asshole her daddy always wanted to be.

bahhahhahhaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The scary thing about dick is that he had no aspirations for higher office.