The modern Pol Pot

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
In the 1970s, communist dictator of Cambodia Pol Pot decided that waiting for the inevitable revolution was not good enough for him. He drove most of his population into the jungles to populate work camps until he could break them down and make good communists out of them. As many as two million died under the thumb of this mad man.
The left wants to convert the world to "green energy" and they want the US to lead the way. At this point in time, green energy is a pipe dream but the left doesn't care. As the new Pol Pot, Biden has told us that there will be pain but we will convert to green energy. He and his cohorts don't care about your suffering, the suffering of the country, and the ultimate suffering of the world. They have a dream and you are going to make it happen for them....or else!

We've seen that here when some jack hole brags about his fictious fortune and how he doesn't care about anyone else. His rich. At least in his imagination. Its just the fact that he doesn't care.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't know about Pol, but the other is a (Forbidden Topic).

And for you to compare Biden to Pol Pot shows just how utterly delusional you've become, JD.

It's 5:00. All day, eh?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Nov. 2022
Precious_b's Avatar
Let's burn that stuff up, baby!
Got 9,000+ government authorized leases to sink a derrek (sp) on.
Faster we use it up, the quicker we move onto something else. Whatever colour it is.