I posted a thread a few days ago asking about the transmission from handjobs and fingering for hsv 1 or 2.
Please read it so that you can have an idea whats going on. I posted another message there describing as much as I could. I went for a blood test for hsv 1 or 2, and this summer I was negative for 2. But now its saying I am positive in IgG (1.8). This blood test was done four weeks after, and I was having an outbreak on my lips while the test was done. I was positive for hsv 1 since I get cold sores in my mouth, but I was trying to figure out why hsv 2 is positive now. This is what driving me crazy. Do I have 2? Or is this 1 on my genitals? I regret what I did by going to that asian massage parlor that night.
I don't know what these parlors use, but she was using this fluid that she was massaging my body and my penis at the last stage(after bath and steam room). I don't know if that is related to those scabs showing next week. Moderators, bear on this last time.
I don't blame this hobby, I only blame myself. why? Because of doing it without a condom, I got cold sores from a provider when I was positive for hsv 1. That was this January 2014. That was the last time I was with a provider since I started having cold sores a week after that on my lips. Tested in summer, positive for 1 but not 2. Now after seeing this parlor on October and testing on November (1 month) hsv 2 is positive. I hope to God it is false positive and nothing is down there. I don't want anything on my body please.