newbie questions / just looking for advice from the pro's

I apologize in advance if this is the wrong forum or if the topic is played out as I imagine it must be…

I am 100% newbie to this forum and hobby but so far have found it a great resource. Almost too much info, it is hard to sift through it all especially without a site search engine.

Been reading the local alerts, legal questions/concerns/security suggestions and misc reviews – all again a treasure trove of data – hats off to those who put all this together.

So as a newbie with no references, reviews, or even P411 verified status the process seems like a catch 22 overall. It is my understanding providers normally require either 1) a combination of P411 status and references 2) P411 status alone 3) or direct employment data…

Don’t get me wrong I totally understand the security concerns of providers as well as reviewers, but am I crazy to think giving P411 your employment info is a good idea? Obviously tons of folks on these forums have done it but WOW – that seems crazy dangerous for those individuals. Or giving your employment info directly to a provider or her scheduler/screener?

Then of course as a newbie doing diligent research I read articles on the web about TER and various review sites with posted allegations (all be allegations) of staff jailed and/or the organization working with LE…

So from those experienced reviewers maybe you can provide some words of wisdom and/or sage advise.

Thanks again, all in all these forums have been a serious educational opportunity!
You'd be crazy to trust your info to P411. Get a couple of providers to get you an invite
txexetoo's Avatar
There are providers who are newbie friendly. They will work with you
Bluesplyr's Avatar
I have never had a security problem with p411 (after several years). When I signed up, I gave them my company contact number and told them if they asked who was calling to just mention x from the tennis center....very painless.

Just FYI if that helps.
billw1032's Avatar
I have never had a security problem with p411 (after several years). When I signed up, I gave them my company contact number and told them if they asked who was calling to just mention x from the tennis center....very painless.

Just FYI if that helps. Originally Posted by Bluesplyr
+1. My experience was the same. Gave them my boss's secretary's phone number and a plausible scenario as to why someone would be calling me. They followed it to the letter. The secretary passed along the message to me and never suspected a thing.
Thanks for the comments. I saw a few ads that say newbie friendly but when I contacted the first one their screener asked imemdiately for employment info or P411...