A thread about Parties .... Add your views,,,,

Whispers's Avatar
Rather than to take away from another thread about a party that recently happened.......

,,,,,,, I didn't know this was a private gathering limited to specific provider/client group. That wasn't clear or didn't stick in my scanning of the thread........ Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
Well. I suppose I'm still not a part of the "in" crowd.

Originally Posted by cockforhire
join the club............ Originally Posted by sixxbach
I don't think I have seen any event in several years that doesn't exclude some group......

Personally I don't see a problem with it......

I think "after party threads" help spark interest in some that might want to watch for the next one......

Back in Houston, many years ago, we had true socials open to the community.... We also had a variety of targeted events including some great parties thrown by the Agencies..... And we had GC Club Luncheons...... We had private parties hosted by Providers the invited guys they were specifically interested in meeting as well.....

Most enjoyable of them all were Amber's Weekend Hot Tub parties......

There are a variety of events that occur throughout the year with some members excluded.... Often for reasonable reasons.....

currently exclude any and all clients that will not provide vouching information from recognized providers...... personally I think it cuts a lot of ladies off from potential income from SPA, FBSM and Strip Club guys that might cross the line after a personal Meet and greet..... Ladies not recognized as "Providers" by a certain group also don't seem to make the cut lists.....

GC Luncheons are a GT primarily for the guys and Provider attendance is limited to just a handful each time as the focus is more on strippers.... The guys wanted to limit attendance in order to network more.........

Gals have their Sunday Brunches......

There are Dinner Parties, Poker Parties, Party Boat Parties and even a 60s style "Key Party" in the making.......

So there are plenty of opportunities for folks to find a way to meet and mingle.....

I do think the time is coming for a much larger and more inviting event that the entire community as well as other adult oriented businesses and their customers could get involved in......

One put together in a fashion that all could feel welcome at.

Don't be "haters".......

Find a clique or club or group that appeals to you or start one of your own!
toulmin's Avatar
Here here!
Whispers your get togethers are just fine, I have been invited to several and have made only one, but I never felt exculed even before I was invited. I always figure if I wanted to know something I would just ask, self pity has never served me well, I always look at the glass as half full not half empty.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I'm all for it. Someone should organize it. But I think if it's going to be an open guest list with no real screening, someone needs to be on security detail to remove people who aren't following rules.

I think the Houston bust taught many a lesson about discussing illegal activities or bringing illegal substances to a gathering that could potentially draw a law enforcement presence.

Many in the community would feel safer at a large open list gathering if we knew that people would be expected to be on their best behavior.

But who doesn't love a party?
Originally Posted by cockforhire
Well. I suppose I'm still not a part of the "in" crowd.

Originally Posted by Whispers
Don't be "haters".......

It wasn't my intention to sound as if I were a "hater". My comment was half tongue in cheek.
I will say that, I believe, one of the three providers who were mentioned in that "thanks you" thread, I don't remember which, posted that there would be a get together soon, and if interested in attending, PM her. (If I'm wrong about that, forgive me. I do remember someone posting about a similar possible future event. Maybe it wasn't this one) So I responded. No response back.

I know I'm relatively new here, so I thought nothing of it. My comment was a half joke, considering the fact that I never heard back. No big deal really. I certainly didn't mean to upset anyone. Not to mention a whole new thread being created about the subject.

runswithscissors's Avatar
Please all of the people all of the time?

As George Bush the Elder would say, " Not gonna Happen..."

No one should feel excluded; I personally think it is great that someone would take the time and effort to host a party of people they have interacted with and enjoy their company.

I personally am hoping to attend the GC Luncheon just to meet some of the cast of characters on this board! lol

As Whispers stated, a large gathering of provider/clients would be nice and inclusive of everyone; I would think it would be a huge marketing opportunity to the Ladies as oppossed to the Social Format that is known providers vouching for known clients. Someone once stated that the Socials felt like family reunions.

I love reading all the forums, especially while travelling, and often thought of the Other Section, primarily the street action section. Many times I thought " these guys need to get together over bbq and beer and discuss! There has got to be some very funny stories!

I think people in general will feel excluded from something when others post " thank you" posts in open threads. It is just human nature......

On a lighter note; as Sophia says, " who doesn't love a party?"

Then go and make one or join one......
sixxbach's Avatar

I love reading all the forums, especially while travelling, and often thought of the Other Section, primarily the street action section. Many times I thought " these guys need to get together over bbq and beer and discuss! There has got to be some very funny stories! Originally Posted by runswithscissors
thanks! spyder, myself and others make that section what it is. most will never partake in street action but its entertaining to read. you can't make up the capers that one will encounter with enough tries out there.

im always up for a beer, lunch and swap stories. i am about to run into some significant off time later this week so anyone who ever wants to do that let me know!
All I know that if it's my party, I could cry if I wanted to.
I just heard about a lady that throws Margarita parties. I think she was up in Dallas or something. I also like the boat party idea. Lots of fun ideas for great times.
my thoughts exactly expressed in another thread. no sense in getting offended. there are and will always be a party, gathering or social. not everyone will get an invite to these, but as the man stated it doesn't hurt to ask.

we encourage the ladies to ask their gents to join. but, it's not going to be wide open to everyone. i can't actually think of any gathering here that doesn't have some kind of screening before invite proceedure.

party on...
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Party barge trip to hippie hollow?
Party barge trip to hippie hollow? Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
I think this would be the best idea! I think all of us would be happier if everyone just got naked!
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I think this would be the best idea! I think all of us would be happier if everyone just got naked! Originally Posted by MaddietheCoed
Well I'm sure everyone would be happier if YOU got naked, but now that I think about it, there are probably some hobbyists who would be happier if some or all of the other hobbyists kept their clothes on. Maybe we could make it clothing optional?
Well I'm sure everyone would be happier if YOU got naked, but now that I think about it, there are probably some hobbyists who would be happier if some or all of the other hobbyists kept their clothes on. Maybe we could make it clothing optional? Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
I still like everyone getting naked Who can be mad or even not happy when you're naked? It's an instant mood booster!

Though I guess clothing optional is acceptable too. Who can be unhappy when all the girls are naked?
sixxbach's Avatar
Well I'm sure everyone would be happier if YOU got naked, but now that I think about it, there are probably some hobbyists who would be happier if some or all of the other hobbyists kept their clothes on. Maybe we could make it clothing optional? Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
ditto..... you too sophia........ from those showcase pics.........