time limit for posting a review?

DrainMePlz's Avatar
I've been really busy and meant to post a review from late February. Am I too late?
Phrasing's Avatar
You have 30 days to post a review for credit, but you can always help out your fellow hobbiest!
Oh Don Piano's Avatar
IMO anything more than a week is pushing it. Unless the session was monumentally bad, or monumentally good, the details will become fuzzier over time. These details form the basis of the review. Simply putting a description and a recommendation is not enough.

You should substantiate that recommendation. What exactly made you give that rating? Was is because of something she wore, said, did, how she smelled, or how she looked at you? Do you honestly think you will remember the pertinent details some four months after the encounter? Do you remember what you had for breakfast four days ago?

A review is like evidence (no pun intended), in the sense that time is of the essence. The longer time passes, the less useful it becomes.
Everything said above is true.

You are out of time for premium access, but it never, ever hurts to share, IMHO.
Phrasing's Avatar
A review is like evidence (no pun intended), in the sense that time is of the essence. The longer time passes, the less useful it becomes. Originally Posted by Oh Don Piano
Specifically for traveling providers!