The ATF Trading Game: Who Wants to Play?

I was thinking about how much hobbyists like to compliment their ATF providers, and how much providers like to boast about their ATF hobbyists. And I thought to myself, wouldn't it be great if everyone in the hobby had the chance to have the same top-notch experiences we enjoy so much?

And so the ATF Trading Game was born.

It goes a little something like this:

Every hobbyist who wants to participate goes into the Locker Room and posts their top 3 or 5 ATF providers (whichever they choose.) In their signature line, they add the phrase "I'm playing the ATF Trading Game."

After they've posted their favorites in the Locker Room, the hobbyists go to the Co-Ed Discussion titled "ATF Trading Game" and state that they've added their ATF List to the mix. (This allows providers to verify that any hobbyist who wants to play the game is holding up his end of the bargain by putting provider names into the mix.)

Each provider who wants to participate adds "I'm playing the ATF Trading Game" to their signature line as well.

And then...

For the sake of explanation, we're going to use darling Whispers and Sixx as our hobbyist guinea pigs.

1. Whispers posts his ATF List to the Locker Room. He then confirms that he's posted his list in the Co-Ed Discussion thread.

2. Whispers sees my name on Sixx's ATF List. Whispers has not seen me before. Intrigued, he goes to one of my posts and sees "I'm playing the ATF Trading Game" in my signature line. He then PM's me and says something to the effect of "I saw you on Sixx's ATF List, and I'd like to see you."

3. I screen Whispers through whatever method I normally use, and then invite him to see me at a 25% discount off my usual hourly rate.

4. Because Sixx was the referring hobbyist, after I visit with Whispers, I PM a "thank you" to Sixx and offer him a 25% discount off my regular hourly rate.

By participating, hobbyists get an opportunity to see providers that are highly recommended by Locker Room participants, at a discounted rate. They may have the opportunity to see providers normally out of their donation range, or may simply discover someone they've never thought of before. In addition, they get to save cash for Christmas and/or hobby more than usual in December.

Providers get an opportunity to meet hobbyists they've never seen before, and have the possibility of increasing business during the month of December, which is traditionally slower in the hobby. The discount gives us the ability to thank new friends for trying us out, and thank old friends for the compliment of being on their ATF List.

The Rules:

1. Providers who participate must agree to offer AT LEAST a 25% discount off their regular hourly rate. Discounts on shorter sessions, or bigger discounts on hourly sessions, are up to the provider.

2. All participants must add "I'm playing the ATF Trading Game" to their signature line.

3. Participating providers must be verified providers.

4. Participating hobbyists must have Locker Room access.

5. Participating providers must agree to provide references for screening purposes for all participating providers and hobbyists.

6. Participating hobbyists must agree to provide screening information to their provider(s) of choice to schedule sessions.

7. The game will run from the day after Thanksgiving (November 26) until New Year's Eve (December 31).

We'll need a mod to volunteer to confirm that every hobbyist participant who posts in Co-Ed has actually posted their ATF List in the Locker Room.

.........can I buy a vowel ?
blenderhead's Avatar
I'd play but.. my ATF is retired.. unless you're already booked.
Blender, I'm confused.

You can play with your top 3 active ATFs. Or maybe you just need to get out more.
Guest102312's Avatar
I would totally be down for this. It kind of sounds fun actually!!!
Whispers's Avatar
Is this actually some sort of Devious Scheme to get me to divulge which providers I have actually seen?

Some things we keep to ourselves for a reason.

What if I have an ATF and I DO NOT WANT HER SEEING other guys that currently cannot afford her? If she increases her business... she may not have time for me....

Then she would not be my ATF and I would have to remove her... and replace with someone else.

Would that mean that whomever wanted to see my old ATF would then have to see my new ATF by Default?

This is so confusing
Isn't this just a long, round-about way to post an ad? BTW, I am offering a 25% discount for referrals and girls can CIM me for free.
the amount of providers willing to the biggest aspect of this game. lets just say 10 agree...i doubt that many would...but lets just pick a number. we dont have a whole lot that are 'active' on the board anyway...

also... many atf's are either retired...or not local.... so now men have to pick form active/local girls. lets say 30 men acutally play...but the same top 10 girls come up over and over on the atf list.

now we need to look at how many of the girls that guys picked...are actualy playing. lets just say...better than half the girls are playing. so we have 6 girls giving holiday discounts. i dont really see this as a big deal.

i also dont think we will have any big surprises at 'most' of current/local the atf's...its already mentioned quite a bit. not to mention...many are UTR...and will stay that way.

so in the end...i say...why not just take 25% off if you wish? im down
It sounds like fun to me. If nothing else, it would spark some good conversations. Way to be creative Natalie!
I love 'em all.....My ATF is the one that I'm banging at the time you ask the song says, "love the one you're with"
The same top ten girls? I am really suprised there are not a lot more than ten on that list with all the new local talent. I bet a lot of girls would play even if they don't post a lot in coed. If not, I don't want to share my atf anyway! He's my hobby hubby I will share my BFE's though. Not like I have a choice lol!
The same top ten girls? I am really suprised there are not a lot more than ten on that list with all the new local talent. I bet a lot of girls would play even if they don't post a lot in coed. If not, I don't want to share my atf anyway! He's my hobby hubby I will share my BFE's though. Not like I have a choice lol! Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
i was just picking a number...i cant back it up. so lets say the number is 20...the game still all falls on the ladies and how many play. i wanna do it just to see how close i was
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
There are more instructions here than an IKEA assembly kit.

I thought if I came up with a creative, fun idea and tried to take all of the guess work out of it, we could enjoy something a bit different without all the usual skepticism. I swear, sometimes you boys are just impossible to please.
knotty man's Avatar
sounds like alotta fun to me! a great way to increase community relations.i swear though, so many people on here find ways to bring down good fun ideas. its a great way to meet others you wouldnt prolly see any other way. but somehow the guys are gettin screwed. only here could you post a thread and offer 25% off and have guys pick it apart. you could give these guys the best fuck of their lives and they would complain that your nail polish was cinnamon instead of plum.WOW! im up for this . now if i can just learn what a sig line is and how to post it! HELP!!!