Remember the Alamo, but don't forget the salt shaker!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Governor HolyshitI'msodumbI'mbehindtheM oron has a new strategy:


Chit! Once we go there, we'll never get out! Especially when our troops occupy Cancun!

How many more of these brilliant pronouncements do you think Perry will be allowed to utter before he finds himself behind Herman Cain and Ron Paul. (Insert your own Perry joke here!)
gfejunkie's Avatar
How do you get "invasion" out of "sending American troops to Mexico to help battle drug cartels"?

Go tell it to the Libyans. Maybe they give a shit about who's invading who.
DTorrchia's Avatar
Governor HolyshitI'msodumbI'mbehindtheM oron has a new strategy:


Chit! Once we go there, we'll never get out! Especially when our troops occupy Cancun!

How many more of these brilliant pronouncements do you think Perry will be allowed to utter before he finds himself behind Herman Cain and Ron Paul. (Insert your own Perry joke here!) Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Once again, pure B.S. on your part Yssup. He was referring to the same type of assistance our military has provided Columbia and other Latin American countries in their battle against the cartels. Intelligence, equipment, trainers, other words.....all of the stuff we're already providing on a Law Enforcement basis but ratcheting up the capabilities with military trainers and support.
His statement was:
The way that we were able to stop the drug cartels in Colombia was with a coordinated effort,” Perry said. “It may require our military in Mexico working in concert with them to kill these drug cartels and to keep them off of our border and to destroy their networks. I don’t know all the scenarios that are out there but I think it is very important that we work with them, to keep that country from failing.”

How is the above statement him advocating "Invade Mexico"??!!!

I'm certainly not happy with our current crop of candidates, nor do I want Christie in the race but that doesn't mean you go around blatantly making things up to suit your own agenda.
nuglet's Avatar
The way that we were able to stop the drug cartels in Colombia.."

When did we stop them? I guess I slept in on that day..
cckid2006's Avatar
that drug war has been so successful!
pyramider's Avatar
I guess Drug Czar does not leave a good impression on the resume.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I suppose a unilateral military intervention into the internal affairs of a sovereign nation would not be considered an invasion ... though I'm not sure under which circumstances.

Are you speaking for Perry now? Do you know something nobody else does about what he meant when he let loose his jaw this time? You might be one of the few in the world who thinks this is about sending military materiel to our helpless Mexican neighbors.

At least Perry didn't publicly say we should do it clandestinely.

But thanks for the insult nonetheless, DT. I suggest a cup of coffee or two to clear what's left of your mind.
DTorrchia's Avatar
Instead of attempting to be witty, address the points. Did we "invade" Columbia? We've provided military assistance there for over two decades. I've yet to hear anyone accuse us of invading Columbia. We helped them keep FARC from overrunning their country, we managed to not let the Drug Kingpins take complete control of their country. Yep, there's still a lot of work to be done but Columbia would have turned into a something much worse had we not intervened. Of course, if people in our own country would stop sniffing and snorting all the Coke that's brought in it would make a huge difference in our ability to reduce the Cartels' power and influence. Don't need any coffee to recognize that.
S O B's Avatar
  • S O B
  • 10-04-2011, 06:15 AM
I'll stay out of this one, for now.
DTorrchia's Avatar
The way that we were able to stop the drug cartels in Colombia.."

When did we stop them? I guess I slept in on that day..
Originally Posted by nuglet
Maybe he's referring to the level of violence during the Pablo Escobar days.
There's certainly not the number of bombings, assassinations etc going on there today as there were in the 80's and 90's. The country is safer overall when compared to that time period. With 3000 killings a year in Ciudad Juarez, it's obvious that neither the Mexican military nor the Police can handle the problem on their own. Primarily because many of them are in bed with the Cartels. So how bad SHOULD we let it get there? Until every single Mexican citizen that's NOT in the drug trade immigrates to our Country? Is that the answer?
I see no GOOD answers to combating the Cartels until people stop demanding the drugs that are fueling this violence.
Looking at Prohibition it seems fairly obvious that the violence will continue until either a) demand drops or b) laws are changed.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Instead of attempting to be witty, address the points. Did we "invade" Columbia? We've provided military assistance there for over two decades. I've yet to hear anyone accuse us of invading Columbia. We helped them keep FARC from overrunning their country, we managed to not let the Drug Kingpins take complete control of their country. Yep, there's still a lot of work to be done but Columbia would have turned into a something much worse had we not intervened. Of course, if people in our own country would stop sniffing and snorting all the Coke that's brought in it would make a huge difference in our ability to reduce the Cartels' power and influence. Don't need any coffee to recognize that. Originally Posted by DTorrchia
Dude, this isn't about what we did in Colombia. It's about Perry saying he would send the US armed forces into MEXICO, and how it's playing othe world stage.
gfejunkie's Avatar
It could be one way of getting those guns back that the idiot Attorney General, Eric Holder, let loose down there. Somebody please fire that lying sumbitch!
DTorrchia's Avatar
Dude, this isn't about what we did in Colombia. It's about Perry saying he would send the US armed forces into MEXICO, and how it's playing othe world stage. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
"DUDE", in case you can't read, the reason Columbia came up is because that's what Perry himself compared it to. Here it is AGAIN in his own words.
"“The way that we were able to stop the drug cartels in Colombia was with a coordinated effort,” Perry said. “It may require our military in Mexico working in concert with them to kill these drug cartels and to keep them off of our border and to destroy their networks. I don’t know all the scenarios that are out there but I think it is very important that we work with them, to keep that country from failing.”
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And you obviously haven't been reading anything I posted or that has been written on this subject in newspapers around the world.

You may think Pery was talking about one thing, but the world sure interpreted it as another. Do you believe he was proposing foreign policy or thumping his chest for the cameras? Could it have been another flippant comment that the media took the wrong way? That he's really thought through the idea of ending the war on drugs by putting our military in Mexico?

I guess you can interpret it any way that suits you.

You've got to do better than "you cant read." More insults.

nuglet's Avatar
I think we all would be best served by doing something about the 16,000+ murders IN THE USA last year, BY citizens, before meddling in yet another country where we have NO business. We certainly aren't able to lead by example.