
Blue Moon Man's Avatar
Spending a few days in Flagstaff. Looking for ideas on what to do? Suggestions?
browntarzan's Avatar
Get a tablet - iPad or such, and a good internet connection. And pick up a bottle of lotion. You'll need it for self service. AZ generally sux - and the smaller the town the worse it gets. If you get lucky and find a provider, please do share your experience here....as you can see - eccie is not very hot around here .
hotrix1's Avatar
Ain't that the truth brown t. Flagstaff is pretty much no-man's-land for hobbying. Your best bet is to post here and on TheErraticReviews to see if you could take someone from the valley up into the mountains. Provided of course, the finances to do so for a longer term engagement and the right timing for the right provider. And if the stars and planets do line up. Otherwise, not much of a chance of that happening.

Sorry if that doesn't help much. You might try this though: https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2768712
She might still be in the area.
Don't know her rep. Either way, good luck, be safe.
Blue Moon Man's Avatar
Yeah. I give up. Nothing at all here.
browntarzan's Avatar
Sorry Man! I know how disappointing it can be - when you get a few days to play and cant find any company. AZ is like that - I've had many a weekend hopes dashed by no shows, ghosting, and repeat visit go down the drain (due to provider changing attitudes - one would think repeat clients would be treated better, but apparently they are not that intelligent here). On the bright side, Flagstaff is just under 100 miles from the Grand Canyon. Enjoy some time in nature. It works wonders for the soul :-)
hotrix1's Avatar
. On the bright side, Flagstaff is just under 100 miles from the Grand Canyon. Enjoy some time in nature. It works wonders for the soul :-) Originally Posted by browntarzan
Yeah, but it sure would be nice to sink deep into a dark, soft, moist and tasty canyons only a woman can provide. Now that’s my preferred Grand Canyon.
Andk it’s also good for the soul even if not the pocketbook, when you find the right canyons to visit.
browntarzan's Avatar
My tastes run more along the lines of a narrow slot canyon sculpted smooth ...