Travelling with a Provider

Reincarnated's Avatar
I have had a lot of fun on ASPD and ECCIE over the years and was considering calling one of my favorites and taking them to St. Thomas or someplace for a relaxing weekend. Anyone done that?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
A couple of gentlemen from here have done that with me for weekends and longer, but they aren't active in the hobby much otherwise and rarely post. Off ECCIE I've traveled frequently as a companion on trips. I love it! Just make it completely clear to her what the offer is: a getaway on your dime, dutch, or some compensation involved. Don't be upset if she has to say no if it's a split or just her expenses, as she may miss income at home that she can't make up and cannot afford to lose. She may jump at the chance to jump you somewhere exotic, especially if you include at least a little spending money.

Traveling with a companion can be a lot of fun as long as the details are crystal clear to both parties!

Also keep in mind what you find charming and cute about each other for a few hours at a time, can sometimes become tiresome over an extended period.

I've heard some real disappointing stories where expectations weren't met and hard feelings developed resulting in lost friendships.
nuglet's Avatar
Tess: sounds like your describing my last marriage! How did you know?
chairspud's Avatar
I had providers travel with me quite a bit in the past when I was a roadwarrior, sometimes we would leave together but mostly would have them fly to me at the end of my business week. Always worked out great as long as details and expections were clearly discussed and agreed to.
Go for it!!!
Whispers's Avatar
I have had a lot of fun on ASPD and ECCIE over the years and was considering calling one of my favorites and taking them to St. Thomas or someplace for a relaxing weekend. Anyone done that? Originally Posted by Reincarnated
Not sure....

Who are your favorites?

Yeah.... overnights, weekends and one 8 day stint....

Whats great for an hour is not always great for a week...

I had a buddy TRAPPED on a 10 day cruise with a lady he had never done more than a few hours with at a time and it was the worst experiance of his life....

Start a training regimen with the lady your interested in....

The most important aspect is sleeping together.....

as in "SLEEP".... I can't close my eyes and go to sleep with too many ladies.... all kinds of issues.....

Ready2Rock's Avatar
Had a nice 3-day LV trip in 2006 with a lady who's now retired. I'd seen her about a dozen times, several for more than an hour, plus some non-BCD time. So, I had a pretty good idea of what to expect. It was a great time. We talked about doing 10 days in Hawaii (each paying our own way) before her retirement. If you do it, choose with care and have fun.
Guest102312's Avatar
I have traveled with a companion before and it was fun. But I agree it has to be cryastal clear on the details so there isnt any confusion. Just make sure she is the one you really want to take along.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
My travel excursions have always been pleasant, though nowhere near as exotic as St. Thomas. *sigh* What a fantasy!!! You just have to be comfortable w/ each other which means also being able to be honest when you need some space if that's the case. I was glad to have that comfort level, but even more glad that I didn't need it.
Whispers's Avatar
be honest when you need some space if that's the case. Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat

More as in more frequent space right? It's a little space,,, and a space that needs filling....... and I tend to need it a lot more often when I have someone with me in a vacation like setting.....

So definitely negotiate the frequency and depths to which the space needs to be filled up front so there are no misunderstandings.....

Anything less than unlimited access to space of course should come with other concessions....
Guest102312's Avatar
Ok so where are we going?
Reincarnated's Avatar
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
More as in more frequent space right? It's a little space,,, and a space that needs filling....... and I tend to need it a lot more often when I have someone with me in a vacation like setting.....

So definitely negotiate the frequency and depths to which the space needs to be filled up front so there are no misunderstandings.....

Anything less than unlimited access to space of course should come with other concessions.... Originally Posted by Whispers
I'm sure that despite the quote of my post you're not talking about me. Nobody taking me on any date - extended or otherwise - would be having concerns about whether or not they would get the "space" they're desiring.

So uninformed.

OMG! That looks like a great vacation spot on St. John's Reincarnated. You certainly have good taste & damn... I wish I was about 30 yrs. old & a bangin' Latina instead of wishing for one of my own right now. :P
Paquito's Avatar
I have had a lot of fun on ASPD and ECCIE over the years and was considering calling one of my favorites and taking them to St. Thomas or someplace for a relaxing weekend. Anyone done that? Originally Posted by Reincarnated
I have doing this a great deal lately, having my friend meet me whenever I am in her neck of the world in those countries that she can get visa's to enter. We have been friends for 5 years and have gotten closer over the years. There are advantages and drawbacks. The advantages are to numerous to count. The drawbacks are numerous as well but perhaps the biggest are:
You lose your secrecy, you can't travel with someone w/o them knowing who you are, what you do, where you go and even more. You lose your privacy and there are missed opportunities. Last night I had the opportunity to play with a lovely that I would have loved to play with, but with the friend in the same room as me that isn't possible. You become attached and then there can be favors requested when you are not in that neck of the woods. Don't let my note deter you, I do it and will continue to. Just think it through and make sure expectations and potential outcomes are clear in your head.
badhusband's Avatar
I have to agree with you with respect to spending time with some for an hour as compared to day(s) and/or nights. I'm a full fledged 'road warrior' and brought a gal with me on a work trip one time. There has to be alot of trust both ways because I had to book her ticket and therefore use her real (or legal) name to do so. And with her using the room booked in my name, I had to trust her screening etc, which I whole-heartedly do. I had to work during the day and she got to use my room for appointments during then. Heck, even one evening I was her driver for an outcall. And I didn't mind going to the bar for an hour while she saw a client one evening. The main thing was that if she booked an overnight, which she didn't, then she would need her own room. When I travel, I usually have a travel day there and a travel day back, so we had time together to tour the area and have fun together on those days. I had no expectations, but was a bit surprised to find out how cold of a person she really was. To spend an hour with her was one thing and fun, but to spend 'quality' time together was another story. I have no hard feelings but would never take her again with me. Would I do it again? I would have to really know someone better before I would again.

Traveling with a companion can be a lot of fun as long as the details are crystal clear to both parties!

Also keep in mind what you find charming and cute about each other for a few hours at a time, can sometimes become tiresome over an extended period.

I've heard some real disappointing stories where expectations weren't met and hard feelings developed resulting in lost friendships.
Tess Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess