I'm freakishly addicted--> Wtf hobby

Crimson32's Avatar
So here is the deal- I've just entered into this realm of the Hobby under world. I've seen several providers and just about every body rub girl in ft worth. It completely satisfies my hunger for sex and yet I feel like Im getting to involved. The fear of getting caught is of course an issue but I play it safe. I've met some really great women and needless to say I have not yet experienced a horrible or "scary" in counter. I'm just wondering how the rest of you have figured out how to separate this from our Normal lives. I served 8 years in the military- with 3 tours under my belt and so for me to find such a world has almost consumed me- its an ultimate fantasy for me but it seems to have consumed every ounce of my day- I surf this web page along with BP- looking for that one provider- Im a man that enjoys variety so I can't help but to keep looking. At times I have seen multiple women in one day. Dropping hundreds a day and even more through out the week. I have even dropped as much as 1200.00 in one visit. I'm what most providers would say as a very attractive guy, I don't have issues finding women out side the hobby and I have a very beautiful wife yet I can't seem to shake the addiction of my new found hobby. I don't want to either, I enjoy these women and find some of them very interesting. I'm having a hard time separating this from reality and Im afraid to say anything to anyone outside the hobby because: hey, let's face it- this isn't exactly an approved venue I'm flirting with. I'm not bitching or crying, Im just looking for ideas as to how some of you guys or ladies cope with the double life. I have not spoke to a counselor since I was honorably discharged from the services and honestly couldnt trust them if i did,,, I feel like I owe this to myself to experience what I find is a great interest to me. So, please feel free to come back with your comments, I can handle it. Haha, if not, fuck at least you could point me in the right direction to the next lovely lady that would like to exchange in convo and 4 play
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Thanks for your service. Enjoy the hobby.
NYr's Avatar
  • NYr
  • 02-09-2013, 08:55 PM
I would suggest spacing out the time between ladies to help keep it separated in your mind instead of be a part of everyday life.
ManSlut's Avatar
Take this to the Men's Lounge son for a true education.
You might be headed for trouble, both mentally and definitely financially because it looks as if this Hobby is becoming a consuming addiction for you. Which is GREAT for the Providers.

Hey, enjoy the ride!!
b2pop's Avatar
  • b2pop
  • 02-11-2013, 01:28 PM
Good Luck!!! You are Hooked!!! (in more ways than 1)
hunny if you are having doubts then leave a pleasure is not worth losing the most important thing in your life and maybe you are having a phase. Hun this hobby is good to unleash your wild side and keep it buried here if you know how to do. Separate the two the life at home and the life on the board. I hope this makes since. We are only here for you by the hour and that is the fact lol. I hope this helps you I hope you stay here and explore more on here. Cause I do understand how this board can be addicting. I have learned how to separate the 2 of these and that is what you need to do. Have a good day. Hugs Julie
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Whew i wish i had of been one of your splurges! Next time you decide to hobby like crazy HIT ME UP!
Move your bank account out of state where they don't offer ATM service and flush your smartphone. That's the only cure, but I can't bring myself to do it.
Whew i wish i had of been one of your splurges! Next time you decide to hobby like crazy HIT ME UP! Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
Mya I was thinking the same lol
Phrodo's Avatar
If you need a wing man, I am in. I can certainly help you spend $1200 per event and would be more than happy to tag team.
samseis's Avatar
I would like to hit you up Mya
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
If you need a wing man, I am in. I can certainly help you spend $1200 per event and would be more than happy to tag team. Originally Posted by Phrodo
lol phrodo, you want him to payyour way too? or u saying you will match 1200 on the session making the provider have a very good night of 2400! You all are my kinda guys! lol

I would like to hit you up Mya Originally Posted by samseis
I am waiting
We have all been there at one time or anither I believe. I am just waiting to hit the lotto so I can really stimulate the Dallas economy, lol. It is one hell of a juggling act to separate this crazy life from reality. There are so damn many terrific woman, beautiful and interesting with skills and passion that there is no way to stop once you have entered this rhealm of fun. Do more planning, research and scheduling of providers on some sort of schedule to stop going crazy is all I can suggest. You have to budget it just like any other monthly bill. If you keep it up the way you have been, we may have cardboard boxes beside each other this time next year, lol
Crimson32's Avatar
Im not good at predicting the future by all means, I guestimate as to what sounds good at the time: and Between Phrodo, Brooklyn and Mya sounds like that could be one interesting party. I dont mind funding such an event but Ill need Mushroom Man to bring over some card board boxes as well. A night with all of you would for sure land me in one of them! Sounds Risky- Im game, just let me know when and where!! Ive got some really great feed back from this kind of post and being slightly new to this world it has been very helpful, At this point in my life im not ready to change- just learning from the best as to how Im going to have to seperate the 2. Thanks for the posts, Mya and Brooklyn I look forward to meeting yall soon.