Sick Dick

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Dick goes to his urologist and explains he has a problem, you know down there. His doctor tells him to drop his pants so he can examine the Dick's penis. The doctor is shocked at what he sees, but tries not to let on. Dick's penis is green, purple, swollen, with crusty yellow stuff on it. The doctor asks the guy, does it hurt? Dick replies no. How about when you urinate? Dick says no again. The doctor thinks for a moment then tells Dick that they have to amputate his penis. Dick almost passes out, regains himself and asks if there is any other option. The doctor tells him not that he knows of, but if he would like a second opinion he was agreeable with that. So Dick goes to several other urologists, and gets the same verdict, amputation. On the way home the Dick sees a sign for "Ancient Oriental Medical Treatment..We treat everything!" So Dick goes in, shows the oriental doctor his problem. The Oriental doctor says: You been to Vietnam two, three week ago.
Dick: Yeah my business takes me there once or twice a year.
Oriental Doctor: You been Saigon, (Ho Chi Minh City).
Dick: Yes
Doctor: You been Mary Phong's Red Dragon Parlor.
Dick: Yes. How do you know all this?
Doctor: You had Round the World with one of the escorts there.
Dick: Yeah, this is unbelievable!
Doctor: You go see other doctors and they all say have to cut off you penis.
Dick: Yes, yes, yes.
Doctor: They all wrong. I see this all time. You no need cut penis off.
Dick: Really, OMG I'm so glad to hear that. What do I need to do to make this go away?
Doctor: You go home, take it easy for several day, penis fall off all by itself.
lmao... poor thing... shouldnt make bang bang with no c... just sayeng
I remember hearing that joke for the first time on a Buddy Hackett HBO special in 1985. It was probably one of the greatest standup comedy specials I have ever seen including all of the televised Richard Pryor and Eddy Murphy concerts.