what to expect from the main stream media now

just as the main stream media, in the past, has acted in concert to elevate one republican presidential candidate in the primaries, only then to do all they can to destroy him in the general election

it has also been the practice of this same media, during a republican administration, to high-light and hammer every bit of bad economic news possible and if its not bad to find some spin where someone somewhere is falling through the cracks of an awful and heartless republican administration.

so get ready for some truths they have ignored during the past 8 years such as:

the labor participation rate

the number of the homeless

the rich getting richer, but they will tread lightly around the technology sector

mental health and its causes (some sort of economic callousness going to be at the root)

the federal budget and its awfulness, now that we will have one

also expect, ad nauseam, attacks on the electoral college system and the search for white racists
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I expect more of the same lies, half-truths, obfuscation, false pretense, inflammatory headlines that fail to match the content and more support of the progressive goals of the leftists.

Why would I expect anything any different.?
You cannot trust the MM and must question all other forms of media and read with an educated filter.
Social media with their planted fake news stories are there all the time.
I do not expect the propaganda to cease at all.
The MSM should have hammered President Obama for his eight years. If they would have held Obama accountable he would had been forced to deal on the issues. I remember a press conference on the budget dealings where Obama said that the Republicans were holding a gun to the head of the American people. At the end, Obama said his door was still open. Nobody in the press criticized his "unPresidential" language and traced that to his inability to compromise. But few in the media blamed him for the "Govt Shut Down."

It's fair for the media to criticize President Trump. Sadly that criticism is for imagined racism, xenophobia and misogyny. Criticizing the President rightly on the issues is what keeps a President in check and forces him to deal with the people across the aisle.
LexusLover's Avatar
What media?