Dummy Needs to Go Away

Lucas McCain's Avatar

I knew he would pull this shit because he is so predictable and stupid. I would love for you Trump lovers to defend your idiot president with any rational thought more advanced than a 5 year old. The funny thing is that some of you old fools will actually try to do so.

I am sorry for quoting myself because that is bad form and is very tacky, but I posted this a couple of days ago.

I believe Trump has two options:

1) He can say it was no big deal.

2) He can fall on the sword and admit he made mistakes.

We all know he will pick option #1 like the fool that he is so it's a moot point. Trump is way too immature and stupid to admit that he fucked up anything so he would never consider option #2. He can stick with his lies while so many people can't even pay their rent or mortgage payments now because they have been furloughed or laid off. That was on his watch and that is a fact. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Trump lovers to defend your idiot president with any rational thought more advanced than a 5 year old.... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Dude(ette), that would be three years above your comprehension age level. Just purchase yourself a leather bridle, ball gag and call him Daddy. Oh sure, he will dominate your pathetic life, but he's a gentle Daddy and cares for you.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Why are you posting in this thread? You are one of the old losers I have on ignore. You read my posts but I could give a fuck about reading any of your posts. You're just an old clown to me. Thanks for being interested in my posts but I can assure you that the feeling is sure the fuck not mutual. I find you to be rather intellectually compromised. You get this response only because I am feeling generous this morning.

Perhaps you actually dropped some knowledge in your post. I'll never know because I'll never read it. You're just a complete clown to me. LOL
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Welp... Let me 'splain it to you Lucy. I post where and what I want. I seek not your permission nor have a spare rat's pahtoot to offer you. Clearly, you find yourself facinating. One that point, who says a man cannot be an Island? 'cause you certainly are in your own mind (sic). I'm of the opinion that you cannot comprehend much of any of my writings. That doesn't make you a bad person, per se. But they do offer English as a language at most schools, if you ever attend a decent one. So gone on with yo pathetic grammar and incongruent thought patterns and I'll drop by to piddle on your pity parade from time to time as my mood suits me. Capisce?

Why are you posting in this thread? You are one of the old losers I have on ignore. You read my posts but I could give a fuck about reading any of your posts. You're just an old clown to me. Thanks for being interested in my posts but I can assure you that the feeling is sure the fuck not mutual. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I thought that pathetic grammar sounded familiar; "Dummy Needs to Go Away". I'm thinking IRL you are either Billy DeBlowsme-o or Rag-a-tag Andy Kum-ho. They have similar pomposity as the OP and both can best be described (albeit inelegantly) as dummies.

2 min

Please sir. Can I have more fear porn, with a side of blame storming??
Redhot1960's Avatar
I see jr mcChain need some more life lessons...

sportfisherman's Avatar
The Rifleman is right.

You would think Trump would come out advocating reasonable caution of masks and social distancing at least.

Instead he fronts blatant disregard.
It borders on criminal.

It is especially galling to the over 200,000 dead,the probable over a million of the affected families,and the untold numbers infected and surviving.

It is also easier to not be "Afraid of Covid" if you can go down the street to Walter Reed Hospital and an army of doctors with super expensive medicine.Only to be discharged "Home" to the White House which has a big time medical unit present.

I wonder what the price tag was for Trump's care ?

Can regular people get that care and afford it ?

No one can defend or has defended Trump ; they have only attacked the OP.

I will be so glad to see Trump go back to private life and being a con man developer.
The Rifleman is right.

You would think Trump would come out advocating reasonable caution of masks and social distancing at least.

Instead he fronts blatant disregard.
It borders on criminal.

It is especially galling to the over 200,000 dead,the probable over a million of the affected families,and the untold numbers infected and surviving.

It is also easier to not be "Afraid of Covid" if you can go down the street to Walter Reed Hospital and an army of doctors with super expensive medicine.Only to be discharged "Home" to the White House which has a big time medical unit present.

I wonder what the price tag was for Trump's care ?

Can regular people get that care and afford it ?

No one can defend or has defended Trump ; they have only attacked the OP.

I will be so glad to see Trump go back to private life and being a con man developer. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
The medicine he received is available to patients under care of a doctor and exception from the company developing the drug. It is still being proven for efficacy and has not been approved beyond these special uses.

It may have done nothing - until it is proven to help in a controlled double blind study it is equally likely Trump recovered in spite of the drug, rather than with it.

Considering only about 10,000 people have died solely from COVID-19 listed on their death certificate, and it is well known that virtually every healthy person under 60 survives, and he wasn't wearing his mask outside with no one within 6 feet of him, I don't see a problem. He was brave and fought it. Those over 60 who are scared should protect themselves.

With a critical election coming, no matter what Trump does, the left will still hope he dies, and proclaim everything he does is wrong.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Oh dear god people with a IQ north of 12 understood the message ,,,,,,,,,
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The medicine he received is available to patients under care of a doctor and exception from the company developing the drug. It is still being proven for efficacy and has not been approved beyond these special uses.

It may have done nothing - until it is proven to help in a controlled double blind study it is equally likely Trump recovered in spite of the drug, rather than with it.

Considering only about 10,000 people have died solely from COVID-19 listed on their death certificate, and it is well known that virtually every healthy person under 60 survives, and he wasn't wearing his mask outside with no one within 6 feet of him, I don't see a problem. He was brave and fought it. Those over 60 who are scared should protect themselves.

With a critical election coming, no matter what Trump does, the left will still hope he dies, and proclaim everything he does is wrong. Originally Posted by friendly fred
The 10,000 number, if true, is totally misleading. A person with heart disease catches COVID and dies. The cause of death on the death certificate would be "Heart disease" even though the true cause was COVID.

A chart showing COVID deaths by age group shows about 20% of the deaths in people under 65. And when you look at % of deaths due to COVID in ANY age group compared to all deaths in the same age group, the percentage is around 10% in age groups 45 and over.


I am not scared. If I was scared I would stay locked up in my house. But I am prudent. I will do what I think is necessary to lower the odds of catching COVID.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh dear god people with a IQ north of 12 understood the message ,,,,,,,,, Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Please explain it to us then rexdutchman.

I know we can rely on your sage counsel.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
News flash — he has not recovered.

He’s parading around the West Wing for the cameras, but that fat fuck is all in on this ruse. And the Turd Reich bullshit machine is working overtime.

Trump can’t breathe, He can’t stand up. He can’t walk without looking down at the floor.

And the White House is now the epicenter of the latest US COVID hotspot.

Please explain that to everybody, rexdutchman.

Help him, JL.
sportfisherman's Avatar
That statistic about only 10,000 death certificates solely listing Covid is totally invalid and misleading.

Very seldom is only one cause of death listed.Usually just trauma cases such as GSW (gun shot wound) or MVA (motor vehicle accident).

Otherwise they all have a cause of death plus other diseases.

The bottom line is that a person's cause of death can be Covid and then they may have hypertension or diabetes as well but they may have lived another 20 years with their blood pressure and diabetes had they not contracted Covid.

I know you guys would like to dispute the numbers of cases and deaths.That they are all inflated because Trump is a Victim and everybody is against Poor Donnie.But too many have gotten it and too many have died from it.

You can't stick your head in the sand and ignore facts.
deaf_vacation's Avatar
Lucas McCoon, what stores are you gonna loot/burn on election day?
...You can't stick your head in the sand and ignore facts. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Yes they can and they do so repeatedly.