The original Backpage

offshoredrilling's Avatar
He gazed on her a while with eyes of transport and fondness, and gave her a world of kisses; at the close of which, in a pretended struggle, she contrived matters so artfully, that the bed-clothes having fallen off, her naked beauties lay exposed at full length. The snowy orbs on her breast, by their frequent rising and failing, beat Cupid's alarm-drum to storm instantly, in case an immediate surrender should be refused. The coral-lipped mouth of love seemed with kind movements to invite, nay, to provoke an attack; while her sighs, and eyes half-closed, denoted that no farther resistance was intended. What followed, may be better imagined than described; but if we may credit Miss W-lm-t's account, she never experienced a more extensive protrusion in any amorous conflict either before or since.
errrr, if reviews/reports start sounding like that, can I blame you ?

btw is that a BJ or cipped ? ^^^^^^
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Now I'm thinking that Playboy magazine should have been a woman of the week publication.