alright- nervous now

Got my first appt setup with a reviewed lady in 2 hours and now I am nervous as anything. Last minute advice?
Relax and enjoy it.
Blue_Buddies's Avatar
RELAX... I always get nervous when I see a new lady. I usually meet ladies that I'm going to want to be regulars with. that way if the first date jitters get to me (as they do) I'll make up for it the next time. or the next or the next.....

Who you going to see?????????????
Omahan's Avatar
Don't talk about the donation. Just put it in an envelop and set it down where she can see it. Don't talk about activities until you are both naked and have started. Be friendly and not too pushy. It will be fine.
alterego1's Avatar
My advice to you is drink heavily. Naw, if you did your research be comfortable. Be a gentleman this round. Post a review later. Relax and Have fun!
Make sure you brush your teeth and take a bottle of water with you. Sometimes when you're nervous, you will get "dry-mouth" - the water should help. Try and relax. Take the advice by the other hobbyists in this thread to heart when first meeting the provider and you will be fine.
KCQuestor's Avatar
So... how did it go?
Hey jocat, you got some solid advice in this thread....hope your visit was great.

Now how about alittle feedback, if not a review, then just a post here, letting everyone know????
Boomer70's Avatar
My first time was quite awkward doesn't get easy until you have done it a few times...and yes, the research (homework) is vital! Can't stress it enough that you, as well as the providers, need to do some work beforehand. If she knows it is your first time with someone of her caliber, then she will likely help you along! I know mine did! Enjoy!
The DarkSide's Avatar
Make sure she doesn't have a badge or a cock, just let mother nature take over, it's like riding a bike!
Make sure she doesn't have a badge or a cock, just let mother nature take over, it's like riding a bike! Originally Posted by The DarkSide
Maybe he broke his leg the first time he rode a bike!
The DarkSide's Avatar
Maybe he broke his leg the first time he rode a bike! Originally Posted by ez2plz
Hahaha, sorry bad advice, then take slow and pick a hole!
I do appreciate all the advice I got. It did help. This is my first chance to sit down at the computer in some time. I think Boomer70 hit the nail on the head. No matter how "prepared" I was it was really like a blur and being all amped up for the visit the actual workout was unfortunately much quicker than I wanted. I do plan to post a review as well -
Glad to hear things went OK....not to worry it gets alot easier as you progress.

Just take the time to research, then relax...and remember "practice makes it perfect", lol
Guest 101012's Avatar
Glad to hear you had a good time Keep at it it can be A lot of fun xo