Cop a Feel in the Real World

So I got a physical this am and when they were putting that cuff on for blood pressure i wasn't paying attention then noticed my hand was brushing up against the nurses side boob.

At first i was gonna apologize but i don't think she noticed or knew that was my hand so i just moved my hand and didn't mention it

My question is ladies would you rather a guy draw attention (apologize) to something accidental like that or just correct it and not say anything
Hercules's Avatar
More important question is was the nurse hot with nice tits?
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
^^ What he said^^ LOL
Spikebaby's Avatar
I have a sense of humor....I would have made a big deal about and laughed as long as you weren't being creepy about it.

Then I would have grabbed a catheter and threatened you with it....fair is fair

She meant to do it.
WalkerTx's Avatar
You should have told her "if you want to see blood pressure, you've got that wrapped around the wrong area !"