Lost password system dosent reconise email

Lost password system dosent reconise email

My friend has a account she wanted to take over my new screenname/handlle i thought about it was goingf to then i said no cause its my name yes an i like it.

She has a email and its not being reconised by the system can you help her she cant log in to her account email me if your a mod or have power to help her please.

Thanks her girlfriend
Very hard to understand what you are asking here.

Anyway, from what I THINK you're asking, your friend can not access her account because she can't remember her password. She needs to do a password reset... this can be done when she is trying to access the site (the "Forgot Password" option). It will take her to where she can issue a request to have her password reset. It will email her and she can click on the link to have it reset and then when she logs in, can change her password to whatever she'd like.
if she's still having problems... have her email "websupport@eccie.net" and she will be able to get help accessing her account.
bartipero's Avatar
Maybe you could have Cheaper translate.
If I understand what the post is trying to share, the same thing happened to me. Logged in and checked to forum. Tried to log back in the next day and it wouldn't let me. You would assume it is a password problem, so I requested a new one. Once I got it in email, I tried it, but it was still rejected. Tried 5 new passwords this site sent me, each time it said it wasn't correct. I simply created a new account. Not sure I will be able to get in tomorrow with this new user name and password (lol).