Finding her reviews?

HasLoveWillTravel's Avatar
I love the concept of this site and it's proven helpful but man o man it takes a looooooong time to find even one review of a lady sometimes. Especially in Wichita; Wichita is lumped in with the Kansas City stuff and I pretty much have to scroll through dozens of pages hoping her name pops out on one. Is there a search feature that I've overlooked?

I tried the search feature in showcases but I think there a a lot more girls who don't have one. In Colorado they have a site called "The Other Board" that lets you search an index bringing up a list of similarly spelled names. When you click the lady's name it shows all of her reviews in one place.
You can always use the universal search link.

I usually hit that and just use Wichita as my search term. But that's mostly because I'm looking more for current info instead of legacy info.

Never hurts to post a request for info either
HasLoveWillTravel's Avatar
I must be blind...I don't see any search but the "Search for providers" to the left.
If a lady who has been reviewed has a profile on here, their reviews will be linked to their profile. Clicking on the "Search" option above, directly next to the logout tab, can often yield positive results.

Also, doing a search based on a lady's phone number in the review section of the town she lives in helps... or doing a search for a key word associated with her locality such as "Wichita" can be a good way of doing it.
jussaymo's Avatar
phone numbers? use Search also?
HasLoveWillTravel's Avatar
I found it. Wow! Diverse applications!