Why cant I reply to my own Ad to update my travel dates??

I have decided to stay in Kansas City for 2 extra days, until the morning of the 31st..

But everytime I click reply on my provider ad to update it, it says I am not authorized to respond...But I am a verified member...??

I am still kind of new to Eccie and getting pretty frustrated trying to figure this out! Any input would be greatly appreciated!!!

Kaboom's Avatar
It might be that the forum settings don't allow anyone to reply to an ad, even the person who made the ad. Most likely though, a moderator could edit the ad for you. Our local moderator is FireSerpent, just send him a message and he can probably help you out.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
As long as you are updating your travel plans to come to Wichita, all you really need to notify is me!


Do not go to Wichita under circumstances that in any way involve COG>

Trust me.
Omahan's Avatar
If you need to make a correction just PM the mod to do it for you.
ohhh please do come to Wichita and bring that super sexy schoolgirl outift with you! :P
ICTguy32's Avatar
I second (or third) the motion for you to come to wichita for a visit.
AllThisMeat's Avatar
I say just move to KC permanently... I have some steak waiting for you!!
Damn, I thought I was next in line for "all that meat".

Oh well . . .



- Jackie
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why settle for vienna sausage, when you've already got a date in Wichita with a Ball Park Frank! It plumps when you warm it up!