How the Libtard Left Is Harassing the Electoral College!

lustylad's Avatar
Those anti-democratic, fascist-libtard bastards just won't give up trying to subvert the will of the people and usurp the Constitution.

I’m Staying Faithful to Trump

I’ve been harassed by thousands over my Electoral College vote.

By Ashley McMillan Hutchinson
Dec. 11, 2016 4:20 p.m. ET

This summer, the chairman of the Kansas Republican Party asked me to be one of the six electors who represent the state of Kansas in the Electoral College. I completely geeked out. Of the more than 137 million Americans who voted for president this year, only 538 are electors. While I jumped at the chance, I was not prepared for what would happen next.

I always knew Donald Trump would win Kansas, but like most people who follow politics closely, I didn’t expect him to win the Electoral College. I figured that Kansas would let me cast my vote for the also-ran—still a great honor. Then the unthinkable happened.

Election Night left me in awe. There were many reasons to be pleased. Those blue-collar, fly-over, working-class voters who showed up in droves and put Mr. Trump over the edge in several swing states? Those are my people. They weren’t motivated by hate or race. They were disappointed in the current administration and lack of economic progress. The assumptions about this group of voters by the media and ivory-tower elite only motivated them to victory.

I was excited because I was an Electoral College member and I was casting my vote for the winner in a historic election. Then things got a little strange.

It started with a couple of emails three days after the election. Since Hillary Clinton had won the popular vote, former electors warned me that I would probably receive hundreds of emails urging me to change my vote to prevent Mr. Trump from getting to the White House. I answered the first few back and had some polite—and some not-so-polite—exchanges with folks urging me to vote for Mrs. Clinton. Grassroots groups such as Ask the Electors had found my work email and spread it to their email lists. They also published my work address, home address, cell phone and work phone.

I had intended on answering everyone who emailed me. Then the flood started. At its peak, I was receiving 500 emails an hour. At least 20 letters arrived at my office daily, and the calls came in 24 hours a day.

The majority of the notes called for the elimination of the Electoral College because it was undemocratic. As an elector, I can’t do anything about this, but I still don’t buy the argument. There are many provisions in our constitutional republic that allow for a departure from direct democracy. The Electoral College ensures that Americans from throughout the country can be represented.

Others told me to act as a faithless elector and vote my conscience to stop Mr. Trump from taking the presidency. Only 157 electors in history have broken their pledge and voted for an alternate candidate or abstained from voting, according to FairVote. There is a reason this tactic has never been successful: It assumes the worst of Americans. These letter writers are asking me to disavow my own people, because they are supposedly racist and easily fooled. I don’t buy it. I won’t violate the will of the people of Kansas simply because coastal elites think Mr. Trump tweets too much.

I noticed another theme in the thousands of missives I’ve received. They don’t seek to understand or persuade—only to insist. Most of these people want it their way and they want it now. As a mother of two small children, I know how to handle that.

Ms. McMillan Hutchinson is the vice chairwoman of the Kansas Republican Party.
LexusLover's Avatar
There are many in this country who have long term memory, and the Liberals who refuse to stop Christians from being sacrificed and slaughtered by ISIS, but will allow U.S. citizens who are participating in the Constitutional process of electing the next President to be threatened and intimidated by their own, will not be forgotten. Threatening and intimidating with death threats in the mail or electronic media directed at "public officials" is a crime, particularly when it is part of a scheme to prevent them from exercising their obligation as "public officials" in the process. This will be Obaminable's Legacy. He does nothing.
There are many in this country who have long term memory, and the Liberals who refuse to stop Christians from being sacrificed and slaughtered by ISIS, but will allow U.S. citizens who are participating in the Constitutional process of electing the next President to be threatened and intimidated by their own, will not be forgotten. Threatening and intimidating with death threats in the mail or electronic media directed at "public officials" is a crime, particularly when it is part of a scheme to prevent them from exercising their obligation as "public officials" in the process. This will be Obaminable's Legacy. He does nothing. Originally Posted by LexusLover
9Fuck Obama and the demretards
LexusLover's Avatar
9Fuck Obama and the demretards Originally Posted by gary5912
I'll pass, but thanks!

I'm not Gay, and doing Pelosi might send me in that direction!
rexdutchman's Avatar
the electoral collage is the only thing keeping NY and CA ( liberals) from running (ruining)the country !
bambino's Avatar
And the Libtards are complaining about the Rooskies interfering in our election but the Libs are trying to subvert confidence in our election by demanding recounts and intimidating Electoral voters. Pathetic.
And the Libtards are complaining about the Rooskies interfering in our election but the Libs are trying to subvert confidence in our election by demanding recounts and intimidating Electoral voters. Pathetic. Originally Posted by bambino
They still don't get it.
bambino's Avatar
They still don't get it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Right. Putin is sitting back laughing his ass off. The Democrats are doing his bidding.
Most of these people want it their way and they want it now. As a mother of two small children, I know how to handle that.[/I] Originally Posted by lustylad
These a-holes may be tangling with the wrong lady...she sounds like she's ready to take 'em all on. Good for her!

flash Forward...Ms Hutchinson being recognized during President Trump's first State of the Union address (and the subtext to that honor: every one of the pricks who threatened her, and others, were facing criminal charges, fines and possible jail time).
LexusLover's Avatar
I heard that an "investigation" was done that involved contacting ALL of the Republican electors in the past couple of days to see if any are going to depart from their "appointed task" and there was only one. We'll see.

The number on November 9th was 306.

If the final number is higher than 306 ... the "Russians did it"!!!!
I'm calling this entire effort to overthrow the govt "Hillary Derangement Syndrome." The Dims can't believe she was a horrible candidate, continued to double down and cheat for her and won't accept her non-installation Jan 21.

It is really quite disgusting. Some in the media should point out constantly that she is not publicly decrying the efforts.
I heard that an "investigation" was done that involved contacting ALL of the Republican electors in the past couple of days to see if any are going to depart from their "appointed task" and there was only one. We'll see.

The number on November 9th was 306.

If the final number is higher than 306 ... the "Russians did it"!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
If the number is higher than 306, Detroit did it.
LexusLover's Avatar
If the number is higher than 306, Detroit did it. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I would like to see it at least 310 ....

... then watch the hypocritical POS seek to have the 4 votes overturned in the House!!!!

I'm calling this entire effort to overthrow the govt "Hillary Derangement Syndrome." The Dims can't believe she was a horrible candidate, continued to double down and cheat for her and won't accept her non-installation Jan 21.

It is really quite disgusting. Some in the media should point out constantly that she is not publicly decrying the efforts. Originally Posted by gnadfly
They're looking for ANY excuse other than she was a piss poor choice that had to rig the game against all challengers, had the bulk of the media on HER side, used every dirty trick she could think of to have foreign leaders " donate money to the Clinton " Charitable (ahem ) foundation , AND STILL LOST !!!!! FUGG ALL LIBERALS !
The Rooskies hacked the DNC email server. The Rooskies hacked John Podesta's email. Both alleged by President Obama.

But the Rooskies didn't hack Hillary's home brewed, poorly patched email server.

How do we know that? Because Hillary said so!

You can't make this shit up!