Questions for Democrats

  • Tiny
  • 12-13-2018, 09:19 AM
I'm looking at buying a small vacation home in Costa Rica that would double as a getaway place in case hard core progressives, like Bernie Sanders, someday put us on the road to serfdom. I'm comfortable with people like Hillary Clinton though. As such I'm trying to get into the Democrat mind.

Assuming Trump is the candidate in 2020, do you think the Democratic Party is likely to nominate someone who's middle of the road like Joe Biden who would be the odds on favorite to win? Or will they step out on a limb and nominate someone who's truly progressive like Bernie Sanders?

Second question, Pelosi and other Democratic House leadership have agreed they will let new people have the reins in four to six years. Do you believe the up and coming Democratic leaders, and also the new Democratic blood in Congress, are a lot more progressive than Pelosi et al?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-13-2018, 09:29 AM
I'm looking at buying a small vacation home in Costa Rica that would double as a getaway place in case hard core progressives, like Bernie Sanders, someday put us on the road to serfdom. I'm comfortable with people like Hillary Clinton though. As such I'm trying to get into the Democrat mind.

Assuming Trump is the candidate in 2020, do you think the Democratic Party is likely to nominate someone who's middle of the road like Joe Biden who would be the odds on favorite to win? Or will they step out on a limb and nominate someone who's truly progressive like Bernie Sanders?
Originally Posted by Tiny
You do realize how progressive Costa Rica is right?

Check out their form of health care and how much they spend on their military.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Their government heath ca are sucks and the Costa Ricans hate it.
Living in Costa Rica is no bargain either.

Try Nicaragua
themystic's Avatar
Their government heath ca are sucks and the Costa Ricans hate it.
Living in Costa Rica is no bargain either.

Try Nicaragua Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Pretty bad advice your Holiness. Costa Ricans do not hate their healthcare. Nicaragua is not very stable. Forgive me Father
  • oeb11
  • 12-13-2018, 11:20 AM
Ah TM - the self-appointed authority on all things DPST

The people of Costa Rica must love their healthcare system because You said so!!
Ah, Yeah.
Of course - no difference of opinion from Your ideology could possibly be tolerated or correct.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
So they hate it like dl says?
Since you post no examples, you must not have a clue.
On the other hand, I know several people that have gone there for dental and eye work.

Looks like the "eyes" have it.
Ah TM - the self-appointed authority on all things DPST

The people of Costa Rica must love their healthcare system because You said so!!
Ah, Yeah.
Of course - no difference of opinion from Your ideology could possibly be tolerated or correct. Originally Posted by oeb11
themystic's Avatar
Ah TM - the self-appointed authority on all things DPST

The people of Costa Rica must love their healthcare system because You said so!!
Ah, Yeah.
Of course - no difference of opinion from Your ideology could possibly be tolerated or correct. Originally Posted by oeb11
Nothing personal oeb but you dont know your stuff. You wont even answer what the hell DPST is. Must be some "deep state" secret. Im not even a Democrat if thats what you mean. Besides the DL advice sucked. Hes been living in a cave in the mountains for 50 years. He obviously doesn't know anything about Central America
  • oeb11
  • 12-13-2018, 12:06 PM
Quality of care
An isolated incident - more representative of lower standards of care in Mexico and Central America
I care not about your opinion of what I know.

That opinion from someone who claims to know what women think.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Pretty bad advice your Holiness. Costa Ricans do not hate their healthcare. Nicaragua is not very stable. Forgive me Father Originally Posted by themystic
I don't know about the healthcare service in Costa Rica, but I've been there several times and many Americans travel there to get various health related services. Much less expensive than the U.S. and high quality.

I have friends who live in Nicaragua and I would never live there. Too 3rd world, and like themystic says, not very stable at this time. Costa Rica is much more similar to living here.

But to try to answer Tiny's questions. I hope Bernie Sanders is not the Democratic candidate. Joe Biden wouldn't be bad but he's older than Trump. Still more than a year before the 2020 campaign and I expect one of the lesser expected candidates to emerge from the pack, much as Trump did.

No answer to your 2nd question.
Our US healthcare is far superior, unless you're a a poor motherfucker who doesn't produce enough economic value to afford health care.

Another reason to import rich immigrants and not broke losers.
themystic's Avatar
I'm looking at buying a small vacation home in Costa Rica that would double as a getaway place in case hard core progressives, like Bernie Sanders, someday put us on the road to serfdom. I'm comfortable with people like Hillary Clinton though. As such I'm trying to get into the Democrat mind.

Assuming Trump is the candidate in 2020, do you think the Democratic Party is likely to nominate someone who's middle of the road like Joe Biden who would be the odds on favorite to win? Or will they step out on a limb and nominate someone who's truly progressive like Bernie Sanders?

Second question, Pelosi and other Democratic House leadership have agreed they will let new people have the reins in four to six years. Do you believe the up and coming Democratic leaders, and also the new Democratic blood in Congress, are a lot more progressive than Pelosi et al? Originally Posted by Tiny
Bernie Sanders is great to shake things up but most liberals think he is to far left. Bernie Sanders would lose to any GOP candidate but he is a great Senator

4 to 6 years is a lifetime away in today's world. Yes they are way more progressive. They are the opposite side of the same coin, the modern day Republican
themystic's Avatar
Our US healthcare is far superior, unless you're a a poor motherfucker who doesn't produce enough economic value to afford health care.

Another reason to import rich immigrants and not broke losers. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Their hookers are way better than ours. Cheap legal and just like you like them. Pretty with long hair. Hotel del Rey beats anything in the USA
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Our US healthcare is far superior, unless you're a a poor motherfucker who doesn't produce enough economic value to afford health care.

Another reason to import rich immigrants and not broke losers. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Yes, the U.S. health care is superior to that found in any other country in the world in my opinion. However, there are health services offered in other countries that are just as good as those offered in countries like Costa Rica at a ridiculously low cost. My wife and I were in Thailand a few years ago and she broke her shoulder and had surgery. The cost was a fraction of what it would have been in the U.S. and the doctor back in the U.S. said the surgery was done perfectly.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Their hookers are way better than ours. Cheap legal and just like you like them. Pretty with long hair. Hotel del Rey beats anything in the USA Originally Posted by themystic
I concur. But I prefer The Sportsman's Lodge to the Hotel del Rey.
themystic's Avatar
I concur. But I prefer The Sportsman's Lodge to the Hotel del Rey. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
My 2nd Favorite .