Obama Sucks!

TheDaliLama's Avatar
I haven't been her in awhile and I am very appalled at the subject matter.

Ya'll have turned into a bunch of apathetic pussies

Here are the thread titles:

Time for some ass
Time for some tits
Stanley cups finals
2nd amendment hotties
A music thread
Where's a good place...
yelp for escorts
Legs ass and a gun
Hobby phone
Naked sushi
Stars new coach
James Gandofini
Fem Nazi
Fathers Day....

You know...we used to make steel in this country, we even put a man on the moon..

OMG!!! why don't we start exchanging recipes?

Not one post started by COG

No Dipshit Assup


No Dufuss ?????????????????????????????? ???????

Mr Happy is rolling over in his fucking grave!!!!!

What a bunch of fucking PUSSIES!!!!!!!!!

I'm fixin to call up bigtex and poke that fat loser with a sharp stick just to stir the pot!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Hey bigtex...!!!

You SUCK!!!!!!!!!

Go to the political forum num nuts
Gotyour6's Avatar
This is why we need a test for people to access the internet
Munchmasterman's Avatar
This is why we need a test for people to access the internet Originally Posted by Gotyour6
No, he's just the poster child for mandatory sterilization.

No wait, the "conservative" rational for late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, late, term abortion.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-28-2013, 02:20 PM
dummylama needs to get out more
Hey bigtex...!!!

You SUCK!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I previously would have told Lama to "Shut Your Whore Mouth" but that may no longer be an acceptable practice in the Sandbox.

So instead I will just say, how's it going Lama? Great to see you again!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Go to the political forum num nuts Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I haven't been her in awhile and I am very appalled at the subject matter.

Ya'll have turned into a bunch of apathetic pussies
Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Try to keep up Dali....
LOL, you asked for it and walked right into that one...Welcome back
Thanks CC for giving this thread a new home back where it belongs. Please excuse Lama, he has always been one of, if not the, dullest knife in the drawer.

As for Lama, you can "Shut Your Whore Mouth!"
Hey Dlama, post the "Love Train" video but change the names up.
Yssup Rider's Avatar