Kenzey Marie wants you to know

ControlFreak's Avatar
Kenzey posted on ASPD this morning she will be leaving the hobby for approximately a year. Her Mother is quite sick and she is going home to be with her. She wanted you to know that she has turned off her phone and email account. If you are trying to reach her, you can't. If you had set an appointment, I would recommend you contact her close friend Ashley Stone.
Indiana Bone's Avatar
Hate to hear that about her mother hope she gets to feeling better soon.
Mesquitor's Avatar
Ashley sent me this info yesterday afternoon which means that my chance to meet them both next week is off.

That's OK, though. As disappointed as I am, family always comes first. All of my family is gone and I would give anything to spend time with them.

Kenzey, we've never met, but if there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know!
